A Comprehensive Guide to Reinforcement Learning and OpenAI Gym

yasmine karray
7 min readJun 10, 2024



Imagine you’re teaching your dog a new trick. You say “sit,” and when Fido parks his furry behind on the floor, you give him a treat. After a few repetitions, Fido learns that “sit” + sitting = treat. Congratulations! You’ve just engaged in a form of machine learning called Reinforcement Learning (RL). Now, let’s dive into the world of RL and see how we can use it to train AI agents to do everything from playing classic video games to, well, maybe even teaching a robot to do the moonwalk!

What’s the Deal with Machine Learning?

Before we jump into the deep end of RL, let’s dip our toes into the broader pool of machine learning. Machine learning is like giving your computer a superpower: the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. It’s like if you could teach your microwave to make the perfect popcorn just by showing it a few examples, rather than reading the manual.

There are three main flavors of machine learning:

  1. Supervised Learning: This is like having a strict math teacher. You give the computer problems with answers (labeled data), and it learns to solve similar problems. It’s great for tasks like recognizing cats in photos or predicting house prices.
  2. Unsupervised Learning: This is more like a free-spirited art class. You give the computer a bunch of data without labels, and it finds patterns on its own. It’s perfect for tasks like grouping similar customers or reducing the number of features in a dataset (because who needs 1000 dimensions, anyway?).
  3. Reinforcement Learning: And here’s our star! RL is like training a puppy with treats, but instead of “sit” and “stay,” we’re teaching AIs to play games, drive cars, or even trade stocks. The AI (our digital puppy) learns by trial and error, getting rewards for good actions and penalties for bad ones.

Reinforcement Learning: Where the Magic Happens

In RL, we have an agent (our AI) interacting with an environment (like a game or a simulation). The agent observes the state of the environment (like seeing the game screen), takes an action (like moving left in Pac-Man), and gets a reward (like eating a power pellet). The goal? Maximize the total reward, or in gamer terms, get the high score!

There are two main approaches in RL:

  1. Model-Based RL: This is like having a crystal ball. The agent learns or is given a model of how the environment works. It’s like if Pac-Man knew exactly how the ghosts would move before they did.
  2. Model-Free RL: This is more like playing by ear. The agent doesn’t know how the environment works; it just tries things out and learns from the results. It’s like playing a new video game without reading the manual — you learn by dying a lot!

Within Model-Free RL, we have two popular methods:

Imagine you’re learning to cook your favorite dish, let’s say, spaghetti bolognese. You want to make the best spaghetti possible, but you’re not sure about all the steps. This is like an AI trying to win a game or solve a problem.

  1. Q-Learning: The Recipe Book Method In Q-Learning, think of having a special recipe book. But instead of just listing ingredients, this book tells you how “good” each step is.

For example:

  • Page 1: “Boiling water: 5 stars” (It’s very good to boil water when making spaghetti)
  • Page 2: “Adding salt to water: 4 stars” (It’s also good to add salt)
  • Page 3: “Adding sugar to sauce: 1 star” (Not a good idea for bolognese!)

Every time you cook, you try different things. If the spaghetti tastes good, you give more stars to the steps you followed. If it tastes bad, you give fewer stars. Over time, your book shows you the best steps to make delicious spaghetti.

In a game like Pac-Man, instead of cooking steps, the book shows how good each move is. “Moving left at the start: 5 stars!” means it’s a great move.

2. Policy Optimization: The Expert Chef Method Now think of learning from an expert chef. They don’t give you a book; they show you what to do in each situation.

Chef says:

  • “When the water boils, immediately add pasta.”
  • “If the sauce is too thick, add a bit of pasta water.”
  • “When you see the sauce bubbling, it’s time to serve.”

You learn to react to situations without thinking too hard. It becomes automatic, like riding a bike.

In Pac-Man, it’s like knowing:

  • “When a ghost is near, always move towards a power pellet.”
  • “If there’s a clear path to a fruit, go get it!”
  • “If you’re near a corner and ghosts are coming, hide there.”

The AI learns these “always do this in this situation” rules, just like you learn cooking rules from the chef.

In simple terms:

  • Q-Learning: You have a book that tells you how good each action is in different situations. You follow the best-rated actions.
  • Policy Optimization: You learn what to do in each situation, like following a wise teacher’s advice. You don’t think about ratings; you just know what to do.

Why Bother with Reinforcement Learning? Great question! Two big reasons:

  1. It’s Super Flexible: RL can handle any problem where you need to make a series of decisions. That covers everything from playing chess to optimizing a supply chain. It’s like having one tool that can fix your car, paint your house, and make a mean omelet.
  2. It’s Crazy Good: RL algorithms have beaten world champions at Go, mastered complex video games, and even learned to control robot hands with human-like dexterity. It’s like having a friend who’s a chess grandmaster, a video game speedrunner, and a juggling champion all rolled into one!

Enter OpenAI Gym: Your RL Playground

Now that we’re RL experts (well, almost), let’s play with OpenAI Gym. It’s like a massive arcade where every game is designed to teach AI. From simple games to complex simulations, Gym has it all.

Getting Started with Gym: First, let’s install it. It’s as easy as:

pip install gym

Or if you’re feeling adventurous and want all the games:

pip install 'gym[all]'

Now, let’s play!

CartPole: Balancing Act Imagine trying to balance a pole on your finger. That’s CartPole. The goal is to keep the pole upright by moving a cart left or right. Here’s how an AI might learn:

import gym

env = gym.make('CartPole-v1')
state = env.reset()

for _ in range(1000): # Let's try 1000 times!
env.render() # Show us what's happening
action = env.action_space.sample() # Move randomly
state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
if done:


At first, it’s like watching a toddler try to balance a broom — hilarious chaos. But after a while, the AI gets it. It’s learning!

2. Pac-Man’s Revenge: Ms. Pac-Man Let’s up the ante with Ms. Pac-Man. It’s like regular Pac-Man, but with a bow, because why not?

import gym

env = gym.make('MsPacman-v0')
state = env.reset()

while True:
env.render() # Watch Ms. Pac-Man in action
action = env.action_space.sample() # Move randomly
state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
if done:


At first, our AI Ms. Pac-Man is like a drunk tourist in a maze — turning randomly and getting caught by ghosts. But with RL, she could become the Pac-Man equivalent of a chess grandmaster, predicting ghost movements and optimizing pellet-munching routes!

3. Space Invaders: Saving Earth, One Pixel at a Time Finally, let’s defend Earth in Space Invaders:

import gym

env = gym.make('SpaceInvaders-v0')

for _ in range(1000): # 1000 steps to save the world!
env.step(env.action_space.sample()) # Shoot randomly


Our initial AI is like a stormtrooper from Star Wars — lots of shots, not many hits. But with enough training, it could become the Maverick of space defense!


From Games to Reality So, we’ve taught AIs to balance poles, navigate mazes, and shoot aliens. Sounds like a quirky resume, right? But here’s the kicker: the same principles apply to real-world problems. That pole-balancing algorithm? It could help robots stay upright. Ms. Pac-Man’s ghost-dodging skills? Self-driving cars use similar techniques to avoid collisions. And our space invader? Its target practice could translate to more accurate medical imaging or better drone navigation.

Reinforcement Learning, with tools like OpenAI Gym, isn’t just about high scores. It’s about creating AI that can adapt, learn, and make decisions in complex, changing environments. So the next time you play a video game, remember: you’re not just having fun, you’re participating in the cutting edge of AI research.



yasmine karray

Women TechMakers ambassador, Data and Decisional systems engineer