5 Tips for Staying Sane While Working/Studying from Home

From my experience of working at home for 3+ years

YK Sugi
CS Dojo Community


These days, I know that many people are working or studying from home.

In this article, I wanted to share some of my tips for staying mentally healthy for anyone who happens to be doing that.

I’ve been using these tips for more than 3 years now, and they have worked really well for me, so hopefully, they will for you too.

1. Meditate

Feel stressed about news? Just meditate.

Whenever you feel stressed or anxious when you’re at home, maybe by hearing about bad news or something, I recommend meditation.

If you’re new to it, you can try guided meditation. There are apps like Calm and Headspace that can help you get started with it, or you can just search for “guided meditation” on YouTube.

The method I use, though, is much simpler.

The simplest, the easiest method to meditate:

This is a method that I came up with over the past several years, and it’s really well worked for me as well as some of my friends, so I would like to introduce it to you.

The first step is just to breathe in, and breathe out.

