Who/What is Adam’s Apple🍎?

Yeran Kods
1 min readJul 5, 2023
Photo by Andrew Itaga on Unsplash

In males, the front of the thyroid cartilage that surrounds the larynx tends to protrude outward, creating a feature known as the “Adam’s Apple”.

The name of this natural characteristic goes back to the biblical story of Adam & Eve in the garden Eden. As the tale goes, Adam ate a piece of forbidden fruit from the apple tree, and a part of it got stuck in this throat. This is where the name “Adam’s Apple” comes from.

The Adam’s apple itself doesn’t serve any medical function, but the larynx does. The larynx protects your vocal cord. Your vocal cord helps you to talk, shout, laugh...etc.

Having an Adam’s Apple doesn’t mean you’ll be able to perform the above functions better someone without one. It just means that your larynx is slightly larger in size.

Hope you learned something new. I will feed your mind with #randomknowledge again soon, I promise. ❤



Yeran Kods

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