Complete Guide for Using and Disabling Windows 10 SuperFetch

yug suman
3 min readApr 13, 2019


Despite the fact that it might appear in actuality on certain events, Windows 10 is plainly an upgrade over the more seasoned forms in a few different ways. In any case, it can work at a snail pace if its settings are not changed effectively. Among a few highlights that are available in Windows 10, SuperFetch is one shrouded diamond.

The job of this component is to help clients by making their standard progressively agreeable and faster. This element is moderately obscure, however it is undeniably worth thinking about.


SuperFetch is made to advance the client’s PC experience. It circumspectly keeps running out of sight and investigations the applications that are regularly gotten to alongside how much memory is being utilized.

Starting now and into the foreseeable future, at whatever point you boot up your PC, SuperFetch will naturally stack those projects in the RAM. Hence, when a client taps on the applications to open them, they will set aside less opportunity to dispatch. must visit to get information.

SuperFetch makes utilization of all the accessible space with preloaded applications. In any case, it won’t generally take up a similar space. On the off chance that any clients click on any application they don’t utilize much, at that point SuperFetch will free up the space that is required for setting up and utilizing that application.


One hand SuperFetch is an awesome device, and on the other it requires the framework to work more enthusiastically out of sight, which results in a more noteworthy RAM and CPU utilization.

On the off chance that you like playing computer games, at that point more then likely you won’t wish to turn on SuperFetch. SuperFetch can diminish your gaming background by making it run gradually.


To reemphasize, it isn’t proposed to kill this element except if you wish to fix issues that are being caused as a result of it. SuperFetch is an outstanding device that expands the general PC execution. In the event that you are confronting any issue and you imagine that SuperFetch might be the purpose for it, at that point incapacitate it and check whether it works.


1 Firstly, you need to get to the Services application.

2 Click on the Start catch.

3 In the inquiry bar, search for Services.

4 Click on the Services application.

5 Or else, press the Windows + R keys.

6 In the Run discourse box, enter services.msc.

7 Click on the OK catch.

8 Now, in the rundown of the considerable number of administrations, continue looking until you spot Superfetch.

9 Right-click on SuperFetch.

10 From the fly out menu, select the Stop alternative.

11 vSuperFetch is handicapped.

12 Now, you have to prevent SuperFetch from running naturally.

13 Go back to the Services application.

14 Locate SuperFetch and right-click on it.

15 Choose the choice for Properties.

16 Scroll to the General tab.

17 Click on the drop-down alongside Startup type.

18 Select the alternative called Disabled.

19 In the end, click on the OK catch to apply the changes.


While it is prescribed to handicap SuperFetch by setting off to the Services application, it may not work on occasion. All things considered, you can change the vault key straightforwardly. Notwithstanding, before continuing you should back up the vault with the goal that you reestablish it if any impossible occasion happens.

1 Firstly, you have to go to the Start Menu.

2 In the hunt bar, type regedit and hit the Enter key.

3 Hit the Registry Editor alternative from the list items.

4 Or else, press the Windows + R keys at the same time.

5 Enter Regedit in the field.

6 Hit the OK catch.

7 After that, you have to find the SuperFetch key in the Registry Editor.

8 Now, go to the correct sheet and find EnableSuperfetch.

9 Right-click on the key.

10 Click on Modify.

11 Now, in the Edit window, enter 0 in the field beneath Value information.

12 Click on the OK catch.

