Top-5 Resources about COVID-19

The one who controls the information controls the world

Yelysei Lukin
3 min readApr 30, 2020

In the continuously changing world of information technologies, it is crucial to always be up-to-date with most actual information.
Since the Coronavirus Disease is the most trending topic in our days, I decided to share my top of resources related to COVID-19.

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

1. Google

Like in many other cases, one of the most relevant info is provided by Google itself. Just search for “COVID” and you’ll see all the trending news, statistics by each country, and other useful info.

2. nCoV2019

One of the most trending websites with detailed COVID statistics both worldwide and per country.

Rumor has it that the guy who created this website received an $8,000,000 dollar offer to post ads, but refused it.

3. Not Only Covid

Unlike many other websites, it contains infographics not only about COVID but about its impact on mortality compared to other popular reasons like cancer, alcohol, and road accidents.

If someone tells you that the COVID is not more dangerous than the common flu, feel free to show them this website :)

4. Coronavirus Resource Center

This is the official website of the Coronavirus Resource Center located in the Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, Maryland, USA). It has all the up-to-date statistics and news regarding the COVID-19.

5. TrackCorona

Besides the statistics data nicely visualized on the map, this website has some other interesting tools. Here is my favorite — simulation showing the importance of self-isolation and social distancing.

Wish you good health and hope that we’ll overcome this together soon.

