After 16 Months on the Road…

Yitzhak Magoon
2 min readJun 18, 2018


It all began in early February of 2017. After selling most of the things I owned, and breaking up with my girlfriend, I loaded a couple remaining boxes and my backpack into my car and headed north. It was a long road trip (San Diego to Seattle) with one purpose: to give my sister my car.

And then on February 18th, I boarded a plane to Medellin, Colombia. I had no idea where this journey was going to take me, how long I was going to be gone, what I was going to do, or who I was going to meet. The yearning to see the world had gotten the best of me and I just needed to explore.

My travels took me through parts of South American, back to the US (briefly), Canada and then to Asia — Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and Thailand (so far).

It’s impossible to easily summarize the entire experience because it’s been a roller coaster. At times it’s been amazing and at times all I’ve wanted to do is go back home. But, one thing is certain, I would have regretted it the rest of my life if I didn’t go.

I have gained so much by having less. Life isn’t about owning a fancy car, house or other possessions, it’s about experiences. It’s about the moments in life that make you smile and make you think life is magical. It’s about the people you meet, random acts of kindness you perform and it’s about doing what you love.

One of the most frequent questions people ask me is how much does it all cost? Well, here’s a breakdown of the past 16 months and what I’ve done with the money.

Colombia — 1 month

Peru — 6 weeks

Hawaii — 2 weeks

Ecuador (including Galapagos)— 1 month

Japan — 2 months (volunteered for 1 month)

South Korea — 3 weeks

Philippines — 3 months

Indonesia — 3 months

Thailand — 1 month (currently here!)

Don’t wake up when your 80 regretting the things you didn’t do. Get out there and see the world.

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Yitzhak Magoon

Former Healthcare IT Professional | Entrepreneur | I’m currently on an around-the-world trip. Reach me at or