Building an Amazon DataZone — Data Mesh and Modern Data Architecture on AWS

Natarajan Mariyappan
4 min readMar 27, 2023



Businesses in today’s data-driven world are continuously looking for innovative ways to increase the value of their data assets. Modern data architectures are required to make this possible by addressing the challenges brought forth by data silos, data quality, and data governance. A wide range of services and tools are made available by Amazon Web Services (AWS) in order to build a Data Mesh, a decentralized approach to data architecture that emphasises domain-driven ownership, self-serve data infrastructure, and product thinking for data. The foundational component of a Data Mesh and modern data architecture, the Amazon DataZone, is what we’ll walk you through building on AWS.

Amazon Datazone

Establishing Domain Boundaries in Step 1

It’s critical to establish your organization’s domain boundaries before creating your Amazon DataZone. The first step is to determine the primary business domains in your organization

Step 2: Designing Amazon DataZone Components

An Amazon DataZone consists of several components that work together to provide a holistic data management solution. Design your DataZone with the following components in mind:

1. Data Ingestion: Use services like Amazon Kinesis, AWS Glue, and AWS Data Pipeline to ingest data from various sources into your DataZone. Ensure that the ingestion processes are scalable, resilient, and support real-time and batch processing.

2. Data Storage: Choose appropriate storage services, such as Amazon S3, Amazon RDS, or Amazon Redshift, based on your data type, access patterns, and performance requirements. Implement data partitioning, compression, and archiving strategies to optimize storage costs and query performance.

3. Data Processing: Use AWS Glue, AWS Data Pipeline, and Amazon EMR to create a robust data processing layer that supports batch, streaming, and real-time data processing needs. Leverage tools like Apache Spark, Apache Flink, and AWS Lambda for complex data transformation, enrichment, and aggregation tasks.

4. Data Catalog: Implement AWS Glue Data Catalog as a centralized metadata repository for your DataZone. This enables data discovery and schema management, allowing users to search, understand, and share information about your datasets.

5. Data Quality: Integrate AWS Lake Formation and Amazon Deequ to automate data quality checks, identify anomalies, and enforce data governance policies. Establish data quality metrics, such as completeness, consistency, and accuracy, to continuously monitor and improve data quality.

6. Data Governance: Incorporate data governance policies using AWS Lake Formation, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), and AWS Organizations. Define access controls and policies for data encryption, data retention, and data lineage to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

7. Data API: Expose your data through well-defined APIs using Amazon API Gateway, AWS App Runner, or Amazon ECS. This enables easy and secure access to your data by internal and external consumers.

Step 3: Implementing Data Mesh Principles

As you build your Amazon DataZone, it’s essential to incorporate Data Mesh principles:

  1. Domain-driven ownership: Assign data product ownership to domain teams, empowering them to make decisions about their data assets, including schema design, data access policies, and data quality improvements.
Domain ownership

2. Self-serve data infrastructure: Implement a self-serve data infrastructure that allows domain teams to easily provision, configure, and manage their DataZone components. Use AWS Service Catalog, AWS CloudFormation, and AWS CDK to create reusable templates and automation scripts for rapid deployment and management.

Data as a Product

3. Product thinking for data: Encourage a product-centric mindset, focusing on delivering valuable and usable data products to consumers. Implement user feedback mechanisms and iterative development processes to continuously enhance your data products.

Self service sharing

4. Federated data governance: Foster a culture of decentralized data governance, where each domain team is responsible for the quality, security, and compliance of their data assets. Centralize data cataloging and policy enforcement using AWS Glue Data Catalog and AWS Lake Formation, while empowering domain teams with the necessary tools and best practices.

Federated Data Governance

Step 4: Monitoring and Optimization

Ensure that your Amazon DataZone components are continuously monitored for performance, cost, and compliance. Use Amazon CloudWatch, AWS Trusted Advisor, and AWS Cost Explorer to gain insights into the health and efficiency of your DataZone. Perform regular audits and optimize your architecture based on evolving requirements and best practices.


Building an Amazon DataZone using a Data Mesh strategy and cutting-edge data architecture on AWS allows organizations to fully utilise the potential of their data assets while addressing the issues of data silos, data quality, and data governance. By using the guidelines in this blog post, you may create a DataZone that is scalable, resilient, and domain-specific. Domain teams will be able to successfully manage their data products and deliver business value as a result.

