Dabanking — The Best Gaming Industries Platform Of Blockchain

Yndra AK
4 min readJun 30, 2019


Exchanging in-game things is currently a lucrative business estimated at $50 billion US dollar and is predicted to grow quickly. The”unique” non-fungible tokens are among the most significant gifts that blockchain brings into the gambling market. Each token has a special identity which reflects a asset type. These resources sold and are available in any trading platform, removing dangers and costs in third parties. These items may be anything from sport skins using elevated levels of scarcity to cards.

Games created with Blockchain Technology can deliver invaluable features like:

* Track and Demo the possession of electronic asset types.

* Safe payment method based on blockchain.

* Integrate blockchain in your game raises competitiveness against the conventional games.

Notably the game marketplace is quite promising with opportunities and challenges, grasping this fad, DABANKING staff will concentrate on creating a sport ecosystem exploiting entertainment marketplace and supply your community with the support. Dapps utilizes decentralization and source, functions without intermediaries, user information that is encrypted . Unlike systems of direction that is centralized. Dapps opens a new age, where consumer interests are admired. Transaction information is transparent and may be assessed at any moment. DABANKING sport is transparent, providing opportunities.

Players have a great deal of chances while purchasing a ticket:

minute income — maximum around 650 percent at Zero around Each round, FomoJackpot will deduct 20 percent of the entire ticket sales to cover all accounts having bought early and 14% compensated for balances having bought tickets at current round and 6 percent paid for tickets purchased in the prior round. (Just in Zero around, 20% will be required to cover off).

Prize for FomoJackpot winner

Together with the functioning mechanism on the grounds of contracts that are smart and decentralized program Dapps, the likelihood of winning is exactly the same, entirely transparent, the outcomes aren’t interfered by any organizations or individuals such as programmers.

When owning a ticket purchaser, 50 percent of ETH earnings will be allocated to the decoration and split as follows:

  • 50 percent Allocated to Diamond Chest
  • 20 percent Allocated into Ruby Chest
  • 5 percent Allocated into Gold Chest
  • 4 percent Allocated to Silver Chest
  • 1 percent Allocated into Drawer Prize
  • 20 percent Allocated to Next Round

There’ll be 2 countdown clocks, Green Watch and Gold Watch:

The Green Watch will be put countdown for 48 hours. Over the past 24 hours, 30 seconds will be added by every ticket that is new however, the additional time won’t exceed 24 hours. Once the ETH decoration that is present is greater compared to the prior round, the Gold Watch begins to countdown. In the Zero around, once the decoration has 300 ETH, the Gold Watch starts operating.

Diamond Chest, When one of the two clocks returns to 0, it will activate random dialing and Difficulty number in the current Block will be taken and transparently encrypted according to SHA256. All results are runned on this Dapps, thereby no one has ability to interfere or fake them.

There are 6 prizes including:

- 50% for 1 lucky winner with Jackpot Prize

- 10% for each of the other 5 winners

Ruby Chest, Before one of the watches returns to 0, the last ticket buyer will be the lucky one to get 20% of total ETH in the prize pool.

Gold Chest, This prize is awarded to the person who has bought tickets with the largest amount of ETH, worth up to 5% of the prize pool

Silver chest, This prize comes from your community development, calculated according to the amount of ETH from your F1 (Maximum 1ETH for one F1)

For example:

If you have 3 F1s who buy lottery with respectively 1 ETH, 0.5 ETH, 3 ETH, the sale used to consider your prize is: 1 ETH + 0.5 ETH + 1 ETH = 2.5 ETH.

Drawer prize

We have complete 5 Drawer Winners

When one of the watches returns to 0, the”Draw Now” button will appear 5 times, in every 5 minutes from when the preceding”Draw now” confirm achievement. The person who quickly validates the first”Draw Now” will likely be rewarded with 60% of their Drawer Prize and 10% for all 4 winners remaining.

It is completely possible for a person to acquire all the prizes mentioned above.

Incomes from community growth

Like Crypto jobs, community is one of the elements determining the success or the failure of the undertaking. The larger community is. Recognizing that, FomoJackpot spends 17 percent of overall ETH.

Paying for community programmers is very popular and fair. This is a cost-effective marketing and advertising strategy which spreads very quickly and largely in society.

Very simple, simply send your referral link to players that are new to join. This is a very attractive income whenever you have neighborhood development capability or community.

Income from DAA Token

Every time you purchase a ticket, if you win or not, you still get a chance to get DAA Token (0.05 ETH for 1 DAA at the first mining phase. In the event you win the game, you will need 0.055ETH to get a DAA. With this ratio, the DAA number will be dependent on the quantity of ETH you play and purchase the game DAA Token will be listed on trade when possible to increase value of community.

Requirements to combine DABANKING

To use the DABANKING platform, you need to have:

- Metamask Wallet installs on your personal computer or TrustWallet on your telephone;

- Having Ethereum (ETH) accessible Metamask or Trust wallet;

- Visit the website to start experiencing our excellent services.

#Dapps #DABANKING #DAB #Blockchain #ETH

Get more information here:

website :https://dabanking.io/

whitepaper: http://dabanking.io/static/whitepaper.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/DABANKINGOFFICIAL

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dabanking.io/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dabanking_io

Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/uqfMjYV

Medium: https://medium.com/@dabanking.io

Bitcointalk Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1349446

