Digital Gold Token(GOLD) Serve to Provide Liquidity for Physical Gold

Yndra AK
3 min readOct 7, 2019


DIGITAL GOLD Uses blockchain technology at the Tokenization of golden to make tokens that are compliant with all the protocol. These tokens called the Digital Gold Token(GOLD) function to give liquidity for bodily gold of high purity(99 percent FINE golden ) that are safely stored from the organization’s vault.

In case you’re wondering Whether that the vault could be Empty,(since I thought of it), the vault is composed by BullionStar with that the job has entered into a venture. This is also to confirm that gold is safely stored and also to guarantee.

Quantity of gold is committed to the vault of the company and the quantity of stored could be confirmed at any time.

Considering that the procedure of token buy (which corresponds to The tokenization process) is controlled by clever contracts and securely saved on the ancestral infrastructure of their blockchain, trade details can’t be changed, ensuring additional liability and transparency.

Of 99.9percent FINE gold, therefore, its cost is equal to the cost of a single gram of gold. Its cost is relatively secure, albeit some cost changes since gold as an advantage is being traded across markets. The spot price of gold is used in real time in the buying and sale of GOLD, making sure that the purchase price of GOLD is in tandem with all the cost of gold to compensate for these changes.

Gold at a vault is Gold in a vault, or can it be?

GOLD enables for gold Be used for actions. GOLD may be used to make purchases, settle more and debts, ensuring although the advantage is stored off, its worth as a method of payoff and exchange is never missing.

The inefficient Procedure for the gold buy system

For the average investor Investment couldn’t be dull — by the filing of paperwork the procedures involved in the trade, to get identity verification, into the storage of their gold along with third-parties’ payoff.

Absorbs time but also precious resources. It has served to discourage from investing in gold investors who don’t have funds.

Makes gold available to everybody!
The procedure of the buying of gold doesn’t Encourage investors excluding a huge proportion of investors from the markets. To be able to generate gold types of investors,’’ the token — GOLD has been developed by DIGITAL GOLD LTD.

Why you need to Buy GOLD

GOLD provides all the safety of gold to holders While ensuring tokens don’t function as a store of value, unlike gold. GOLD holders benefit from the usage of this token for purchases and expenses, in addition to may gain from the purchase price equilibrium appreciation in the value of gold. A number of the major Advantages of Using GOLD comprise:

Purchase of stone, anonymous, and Searchable are The times of paperwork and processes merely to buy gold. Using cryptocurrencies such as Ether and Bitcoin, gold can be instantly and easily purchased by investors . This removes while creating possession anonymous and simple.

Safe storage of stone So as to make sure its safety, gold really needs appropriate storage set up. Token holders don’t need to be concerned about like the gold is saved from the vault of the DIGITAL GOLD company, ensuring advantage safety.

Access to markets: The market is a One with authorities. The market that’s predominantly available to associations and capital people is made accessible to all cadres of investors.

GOLD can be utilized to hedge against different Cryptocurrencies, supplying capital safety in the event of volatility cryptocurrency marketplace conditions because of its price stability.

The GOLD token was Since It’s Been mentioned previously Designed to work as a stablecoin, pegged to gold’s amount. They are pegged to currencies or assets, but are collateralized If it comes right down to stablecoins.

This means that the Amount of coins is Directly backed. This way Whereas the value of this tokens are guarded against volatility Tokens stays stable through the years. These facets use to the GOLD As a result of the stablecoin status, token.


Author : unreborn

