【Book and Study】’’Prisoners of Geography’’
Finished reading this book and now look back the content of this book.
This shows how the current world has been made up and how its politics goes on there.
So rough though, summed them up
Chapter(C)-1 Russia: Going southward to procure warm-water port and Changing policy of oil and gas
C-2 China:How it has expanded and relationship with Himalayas, Uighurs, and oceans
C-3 US:How the nation established by Gold and navigable Mississippi
C-4 Western Europe:Contrast of superior northerns by Alps and navigable rivers.
C-5 Africa:Divided by Sahara, southerns struggle and conflict for minerals, water
C-6 Middle East:Most complicated area, religions, history,ethnics
C-7 India Pakistan:Border conflict with China over Himalaya and relationship with Pakistan
C-8 Korea Japan:Difference of 2 Koreas in 38 parallel and history of fragile relationship between Japan
C-9 Latin America:Escarpment prevents Brazil and others from economically prospering
C-10 Arctic:Climate Change could render it useful pathway to solve and incur huge amount of problems