Part 1: Installing Xcode and Starting a Project

2 min readDec 28, 2015


  1. Download and install Xcode from the App Store. (this may take a while — its a big program!). Go and put the kettle om

2. Open Xcode, and select ‘Create a new Xcode project’.

Welcome to Xcode!

3. Select Single View App from the iOS >Application list.

4. Click Next

Select ‘Single View App’ and click Next

5. Configure your project:

  • Product Name: FizzBuzz
  • Team: None (unless you have an Apple Developer Account, but this isn’t important)
  • Organization Name: Whatever you want —your name is always a good fill-in
  • Organization Identifier: com.(OrganizationName)
  • Make sure Swift is selected as the language
  • Tick Included Unit Tests and UI Tests.
  • Don’t check CoreData.

6. Click Next.

Project setup with fields filled in

7. Select a sensible place to save your project, then hit Create.




iOS Developer | @makersacademy Alumni | Runner, Triathlete, ex-Rower | Feminist