The Gender Binary is Total Bullshit.

4 min readMay 20, 2016


Throughout ages, gender binaries seems to be a recurring theme of men being dominant over women and women never having the social, political or business power in order to create change in the gender lines that have been dictated by men. Men have maintained constant and indefinite powers over women (whether that be in a household or in the workplace) all throughout history and blocked women from advancing in ways that were available to men to keep them submissive and continue the sexist tyranny. Men see themselves as the superior voice in all matters from laws, abortion and marital roles in the home without regarding women’s opinions on the issues, at one point and time.

One way that men have made sure that women were submissive in history was to keep women out of political power. Women were and are still forced to submit to political decisions of men due to the fact that women have not had the same rights (for very long) to be permitted to elective franchise, leaving women without representation and not educated on political subjects that affect them. Before the Women’s suffrage movement, women’s political opinions and thoughts, about the fate of the regulatory laws and civil obediences, were ignored by the men in power. This way of pushing females out of their right to vote was a way that men continued to hold the gender binary standards firm; even-though, both indigenous and uneducated males had more rights to making powerful decisions based on the fate of all human behavior throughout the ages because of this exclusion to women.

How annoying.

Another reason that added to the argument was the loss of value to women who are married. Women who are married are seen as “civilly dead” and held to standards of obedience to their husbands. Even the act of abortion, that a direct health factor to the women carrying, has been seen as an abomination to execute because it can lessen the authority of men if they are no longer able to gain the familial superiority over the woman. The relationship in a marriage, as seen throughout history, is a master-like obedience being expected from the woman to give to the man. Also during a divorce, it was legally easier for a man to take children away from women, without consideration of maternal bonds within the family. This was seen in the earlier years in the United States, as shown in the movie “Iron Jawed Angels”, a movie that depicts the struggles of the Women’s Suffrage Movement. This sexist way of thinking limits the rights of women as important parts of their households but given all the responsibility to be submissive in every way.

If a woman was single in old American days, she was seen as a useless person to the government, besides to collect taxes if the woman owned property. These taxes go to the funding of the government that do not take her opinions and needs into consideration. Single women were allowed to work in churches, in subordinate positions, such as clerk, to a man. Women throughout history were denied a proper education because of their gender. Single women struggled to learn to be working parts of society. Laws and business positions were made for women, by men, to ensure that women never had the chance to grasp real authority.

In conclusion, a woman should be a man’s equal; nonetheless, history has shown the domineering and unfair rules that men have set to prevent women for having opinions, equality and speaking their mind. I hope that after reading this, people realize that we need more equality for all human rights. To secure women as a part of history and an equal part of life as men, we need to start including women and equal participation in the decisions that have been planned out for them. Men are very capable but when it comes to making every decision for our country and all of the participating citizens, including women and people of color. Hopefully if enough people can stand together and support gender equality because everyone has the potential for greatness. Plus strong women are totally attractive.

Moral of the story^^^




Just speaking my mind on the subjects that motivate and stimulate my thoughts.