10 Different Tips To Perform Better At Work in 2022.

Kultivert Pøbelgutt®
4 min readFeb 7, 2022


Are you reboarding your office after a two-year absence due to Covid-19 or struggling to focus at your home office? Here are the 11 different tips to help you perform better.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

1. Stationary work

If you’re working stationary at a desk, it is fundamental that you maintain a 1:1 ratio between sitting and standing. You know this well, but probably well with a reminder. Many people are aware of how they sit, but the truth is that very many are sloppy as well. A proper position is essential, but it is even more vital to be active. It is also wise to vary between different workstations between different tasks.

Tip: Practice does better. Have a conscious relationship with how you work.

2. Positioning of the head.

It`s easy to forget is the screen’s height in front of you, and the monitor should at least be at nose level. Ergonomics refers most often to back- and neck injuries, but there is another topic you should reflect on. Research-based mobile phone use findings indicate a tendency for increased water formation in the frontal lobe, leading to impaired memory.

Tip: When you look down, the neurons in the brain initiate sleep and calmness, but when you look up, wakefulness is triggered.

3. Daylight.

Daylight has an incredible impact on us.
So make sure that you expose yourself to 20 minutes of daylight every day. It can be challenging here in Scandinavia, but minutes of sunlight is not only a generous dose of vitamin D, but it has a positive psychological impact on you.

Tip: Place yourself where the sunlight enters the office in the morning. Get rid of some emails or make a phone call if you need to show that you are productive.

4. Musical tailwind.

Music is important. Not just to create a pleasant environment for cheerful teams, but music could enable improved focus and more extensive thoughts. For increased learning capabilities, listen to rhythms with a 40Hz. Researchers believe that beats with a lower beta frequency of 14–30Hz are optimal to focus and solve problems. Music without vocals is preferable, especially for problem-solving tasks.

Tip: Search Google for frequency-based beats, and NRK Jazz is a good alternative.

5. Conscious breathing

From the moment we`re born, we inhale first, then exhale. Little or no attention to breathing techniques— as long as you are healthy. People who are familiar with meditation or martial arts will nod their heads. Now there is sufficient research to argue that conscious breathing techniques will not only increase your ability to focus.

1.) Before you inhale, exhale two times (emptying your lungs).
2.) You can also reverse this technique with a deliberate sigh; double inhale, exhale.

Both techniques re-inflate lungs, offload CO2 and reduce stress.

6. Reduce screen reading time.

If you are going to read lengthier documents, it is preferable to read on paper than on screen. Admittedly, many companies will probably not look between the fingers with increased printer costs; therefore, it can be worth a small investment in a reMarkable board.
Reduce time on your phone. A new study finds that reading on phones impairs our cognition and the ability to focus.

Tip: Tap READER in the articles you read on your mobile to reduce noise.

7. Set aside free time to daydream.

Remember that it is allowed to get bored at work, both as an employee or manager. Getting bored is essential for categorizing work, clearing the brain’s desktop (frontal lobe), and the ability to think creatively. So the next time your manager asks you what you do — say you’re bored if you are.

Tip: Discuss this in the workplace as an organization and team, and it will help if you are honest about the topic.

8. Take breaks.

Take breaks. Our brain lacks the hardware to maintain focus for more than 45 minutes. When you take breaks, it is precarious that you do not fall for the temptation to look at your mobile phone.
For information, the eyes are part of the brain. Thus, it is essential to rest the eyes for 5 minutes at 45-minute intervals, ideally outside.

Tip: Turn off features on your mobile phone or use the FOCUS features and customize them as needed.

9. Smile.

Remember to smile and be patient. Research shows that our ability to learn increases significantly when we smile. At the same time, it has a magical effect on the people around you.
Since collaboration depends on people, please remember that we are intro and extroverted, territorial, hybrids and nomads. Be patient with the people around you. The goal might be the same, but the chosen pathways are different.

Tip: Start by smiling at yourself.

10. Awareness.

Introverts have a greater need for role shifts than extroverts, but transitions are highly recommended to everyone. Breaks before meetings are crucial. Optimally, it would be best if you went for a walk outside. Breaks during the day assist role changes, not just at the start and end of the working day.

Do you have the opportunity to see your colleagues’ calendars?
Please avoid back-to-back meetings. Provide 30 minutes to adjust.
Fewer long meetings, and ask yourselves if an appointment is needed at all. Instead, increase the frequency of short sessions. You could also replace meetings with workshops with a timeframe to solve the problem, not discuss it.




Kultivert Pøbelgutt®

On a mission to help companies not only to accept people being different, but to embrace and cultivate it. This to enable the unresolved creative potential.