Content Writing: The What, Why, and How?

5 min readSep 28, 2022


“Content writing is boring”, “Content writing is too hard”, “Content writing is one of the most useless tech skills”. These are all common misconceptions of content writing which will end today! We’ll be going on a journey of revelation, demystification, and discovery as I expose you to the world of content writing, its perks, quirks and at the end, I have a juicy gift to give you which you’ll forever thank me for, let’s bet *winks*(I’m not betting my money).

In this article, we’ll be going through what content writing is, why it is important, branches of content writing, and Yoable’s guide on how to get started in content writing.

What is Content Writing?

Let’s start from the basics. What is content writing?

Content writing is a form of online writing that focuses on providing information to readers. This type of writing can be found in articles, blog posts, and even social media updates. Content writers typically focus on a specific topic or niche, which allows them to become experts in their field. As an expert in their field, content writers can provide readers with accurate and informative content.

One of the benefits of content writing is that it can help businesses connect with their target audience. By providing relevant and useful information, businesses can build trust and credibility with potential customers. In turn, this can lead to increased sales and conversions. Additionally, well-written content can also help businesses rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), which can drive even more traffic to their website.

Ignoring all the big grammar above, we can say content writing is the process of writing content to provide readers with accurate and informative just as I am doing, and also helping businesses connect with their audience. That is to say, as a content writer, you are not just useful to random readers, you are also useful to businesses and they can hire you, and pay you big money just to write something informative and accurate, “no be juju be that?”

Up next, Why?

Why Content Writing?

I’m sure with my concise definition above, you’d have some insight on why content writing is good and all but let me talk about them.

Firstly, imagine there was nothing on the internet except pictures and sounds, just imagine first. Can you see how catastrophic that feels? Yes, that’s how important a content writer is. You can’t read anything, just be looking.

Content writing is important because it helps businesses to connect with their customers and build relationships. By creating compelling, relevant content, businesses can attract new customers and keep existing ones engaged.

Content writing is also important in the sense that it enables you to connect with the writer on a personal level, in some cases, some people understand written content better than videos, audio, or visuals.

There are a lot of other benefits to content writing but you’ll figure them out as we move forward.

What you see above is the importance of content writing to consumers, readers, and service users. How about the service provider, why is content writing important to the writer?

First, it helps to improve their writing skills. By practicing writing regularly, writers can hone their craft and become better at expressing themselves through the written word.

Additionally, content writing can help a writer build an audience for their work. By creating articles or blog posts that are interesting and engaging, writers can attract readers to their site or blog and potentially turn them into fans of their work.

Finally, the most important thing is that writers can make an income from it, Yes, become free from the brutal poverty syndrome called SAPA! Yes, by writing informative and accurate content, you can finally tell SAPA, “bye-bye”.

According to, the average content writer’s salary is a whooping $52000 yearly. Note: this is average and not the highest a content writer can earn.

Some sites like pay as much as $350 per technical article you write for them.

Imagine you earn $4k every month writing accurate and informative content, doing what you love the most, and helping users and consumers get the most out of the internet. Absolute soft life!

Branches of Content Writing

Content writing is a very broad spectrum as it covers any form of written content on the internet. But it can be divided into 2 simple parts: Non-technical writing and Technical writing

Non-technical writing

Non-technical writing is a specific type of writing that does not require any special knowledge of technical concepts. This type of writing can be used for anything from letters and emails to articles and stories. Non-technical writing is all about communicating clearly and effectively, without using any jargon or difficult words. The most important thing in non-technical writing is to make sure that your message comes across loud and clear.

This is the type of writing we previously talked about to help businesses, use on blog posts, and so on.

Technical Writing

Technical writing is a type of writing that helps people to understand complex information. It is usually used in fields such as science, engineering, and technology. Technical writers use simple language and clear explanations to make complex topics easier to understand. They may also use diagrams or other visuals to help explain concepts.

Technical writing can be found in many different places, such as instruction manuals, how-to guides, and online documentation. Technical writers need to be able to communicate clearly and concisely so that their readers can easily understand the information they are trying to convey.

Yoable’s Guide On How To Get Started With Content Writing

To get started in content and technical writing, we have one ultimate step.


This is our gift to you! For being an able and judicious youth, we’ve put content writing on a platter of gold for FREE! By the end of this workshop, you’ll be on the right track and start doing what you love, help make the internet better with your content and also detach yourself from SAPA.


FAQs On Content Writing

1. What is content writing? Content writing is creating written content for a variety of purposes, such as websites, blogs, articles, or marketing materials.

2. Why is good content important? Good content helps businesses achieve their goals by providing readers with information that is valuable and relevant to them. It can also help build trust and credibility with your audience.

3. How do I get started with content writing? If you’re interested in becoming a content writer, there are a few things you can do to get started. First, familiarize yourself with the different types of content that exist (such as blog posts, articles, web copy, technical content) and think about which ones you might be interested in writing. Then start reading up on tips and strategies for effective content creation. And finally, don’t forget to practice! The more you write, the better you’ll become at it

4. Is the Yoable content writing workshop the best track for me to start my content writing journey?

Yes, it is. We have a competent instructor and it’ll run throughout October, so expect nothing but quality. check out




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