Yoav Litvin
1 min readFeb 17, 2018


“The old positions haven’t just failed they have become completely irrelevant” — I don’t buy that approach. Socialism never failed because it was never given a real chance. This is not a post-socialist, and certainly not a post capitalist reality. More likely a corporate-capitalist one, whereby the decades of public cuts have led to a disoriented, abused and under-educated society that is susceptible to hacks who promise easy fixes and conspiratorial narratives, like Johnstone and her ilk (HA Goodman, Lusignan et al). They are symptoms of our pathology.

“Getting beyond this” requires discipline, hard organizing work and a loyalty to truth above all. Take the last two paragraphs of this piece of mine and add to those goals crushing patriarchy and white supremacy (my other piece mentioning Johnstone) — https://www.counterpunch.org/2017/07/11/the-green-party-marks-in-a-media-con-job/

