UX Case Study : Last Wish Bank Jago

Yoga Lafrianto
8 min readNov 28, 2021


“This project is part of the UI/UX training program implemented by Skilvul, for Kampus Merdeka program held by Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia. Bank Jago is the Challenge Partner. I am not working for nor contracted professionally by Bank Jago.”

My Role

In this project, I get a role as an UI UX Designer. Moreover I am the leader of this team for realizing the goals which are listed in the beginning.


Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

Nowadays, life assurance products existed in the market is usually sold as the prevention of an unwanted bad thing which will happen in the future. Furthermore, life assurance is usually used for protecting the client family life which need to be support before the client passed away. This crucial thing is an essential thing had to be done as our future plan. One of the possibility why people do not do this for their future plan is due to their optimistic and the positive thinking (think that the future is not that bad).

Instead of focusing in the negative aspects which will be happened in the future, why do not we see this as the positive and fun way where the life assurance is used to warrant a happy and fun life instead of thinking about the death.

Nowadays, there are many places which provide the complete life assurance include the detail and the price. Of course, this is not the type of the product which Jago want. Jago features are made for supporting the client lifestyle and also helping them to achieve their goal, not only for selling the monetary product. Do you wake up in the morning and think to apply the deposit and buy the assurance? Don’t you?

Imagine if you get an digital will which contained what you want to do and the budget for it is guaranteed by the assurance product. You could make a normal will, provide the money for your family, or you could ask for your ashes to be send into the space! You could make many will as creative as you could!

Therefore, we provide you a solution and service in the form of prototype design for mobile application in order to help the client in making the prevention plan to prevent the unexpected incident in the future which can affect their family well-being. It is possible for our client to use this feature for social charity, contribute for the environment and the community around them after our client has passed away.


  1. gender : unspecified
  2. Age : 25–35 years old
  3. Geographical : SES A & B city area
  4. Profession : Employee

Design Thinking Method For UI UX


In this first stage, I collaborated with Muhammad Rizal Vahlevi, and Akmal Rizki Wicaksono started by doing research on what is really worried about insurance users or expected from users who do not have insurance. At this stage my team and I get the following results:

  1. Don’t have insurance because you don’t have time to take care of it, don’t understand how to make it, don’t know the benefits, expensive in premium payments
  2. There is a feature to find the type of insurance and an insurance suggestion feature according to user input so that it is easier for users to choose the right insurance
  3. Cheap and easy premium payments and can apply for the desired premium
  4. Ease of payment and convenience features in filling out documents
  5. Pay and register simply

The advantages of the Last Wish feature that I designed are

  1. Users can submit their own “premi”
  2. User can change the last wish that has been made twice in a year
  3. Able to manage fund allocation independently
  4. Can give a message to the heirs left behind
  5. There is a notary that can be used for free for a will that is made to have legal force
  6. There is a Financial Planner that can be used by heirs for free
  7. There is a live sales call that is ready to help in the process of making insurance or last wish
  8. Can edit last wish benefits or insurance as desired
  9. Payment automatically or autodebit payment
  10. A game that invites you to live a happy life, with prizes that can be exchanged according to your wishes


From the results of the research in the previous stage, proceed to the define stage, where at this stage it is divided into two subs, namely pain points and how-might we.

Pain Point

From the results of emphatize that we have gathered through distributed questionnaires, continued by mapping and defining the pain point. This pain point is a collection of users’ restlessness and hopefulness which will be used in the last wish feature later. In this pain point, we have defined as many as 27 anxiety cards. From these 27 points, there are 4 main conclusions on this pain point which is :

  1. Lack of education about insurance especially psychiatric insurance.
  2. The premium and insurance that has been submitted cannot be changed as desired and are expensive.
  3. Long-winded and complicated steps to apply an insurance
  4. Insurance looks old and gives an impression of death.

How-Might We

After the pain point stage, we discussed about solving the case in the previous pain point. At this point, my team and I discuss about what to do to solve the problem. Moreover, in this stage, we find an agreement in the form of “How do we create an insurance service that is flexible and easy to use”. This agreement is taken from a long discussion where we combined the 12 cards about the things to do or anxiety become as one.


Solution Idea

Solution Idea

At this stage, each of them presents their own unlimited solution ideas to solve the problems they want to solve which have been agreed on at the how-might we stage “how can we make insurance services that are flexible and easy to use”. At this stage, 38 cards were collected, where each card contained an idea to complete the agreed HMW.

Afinity Diagram

Afinity Diagram

From a total of 38 ideas collected, at this stage, the ideas are grouped based on the function or use of each of these ideas. Of the 38 ideas, they were regrouped into 10 groups, which include:

  1. Interface
  2. Reminder Notification
  3. Transaction
  4. Planning
  5. Last Wish
  6. Rewards
  7. Education
  8. Registration
  9. Gamification
  10. Service

Prioritization Idea

Prioritization Idea

Furthermore, the next stage is related to the previous stage. However, this stage is focused in classifying the ideas that have been collected and delivered at the previous stage to prioritize the ideas which have great value, require major effort, and are necessary to be realized. This Prioritization Idea stage divided the process into 4 parts as follows:

  • Yes, Do It Now → obtain high user value but require low effort. This group consists of Last Wish, Planning, Transaction, Education, Transaction.
  • Do Next → obtain high user value but require extra effort. This group consists of Interface, Service.
  • Do Last → obtain low user value but require low effort. This group consists of Gamifikasi.
  • Later → obtain low user value but require extra effort. This group consists of Rewards, Reminder Notification.

Crazy 8’s

Further in the ideate last stage, the researchers conducted crazy 8’s. The researchers display 8 best features wireframe from each personal idea of the application. At this point, each member displays the 8 best features and draws it into a paper and explain s it properly. thereafter, the researchers conducted a voting to determine the crazy 8’s order which is going to be approved. The result of the crazy 8’s process is going to be combined by the ideas of each member as displayed at the picture above.


At this prototype stage, it is divided into several stages, starting from the flowchart design based on the results of the previous stages, then making a low-fidelity and finally the hight-fidelity and prototyping of the designs made.


At this stage, first a flowchart is made for the flow of insurance registration or last wish registration and insurance claims or claim last wish. Here are the two flowcharts:


In low-fidelity this is the initial stage before making high-fidelity. At this stage, only the framework is made to facilitate the design at the high-fidelity stage, at this stage the wireframes are also made to focus on the frame or display that is the main point.


From the stage produced at low-fidelity followed by making high-fidelity, at this high-fidelity, each page is designed in great detail to reflect what will be released.

Link Prototyping

Prototyping Last Wish


In this Testing Method, the researchers applied Usability Testing with Usability Matrix System Usability Scale (SUS) and Single Easy Question (SEQ)

Single Easy Question (SEQ) → is a brief questionnaire for asking about how convenient the user in accessing the given task. SEQ is provided to respondent while they are completing every task.

System Usability Scale (SUS) → is a questionnaire which measures the convenience and effectivity of an application and it is done in the end of the testing session.

As the result in developing new features “Last Wish”, this research obtained the outcome towards the convenience in using the application with usability matrix SEQ gets average 4.23 from 7 and the convenience and effectivity with usability matrix SUS gets 60 or grade D as the score of the testing.

The researchers are aware that there are many deficiencies in developing feature last wish as the feedback we received by the respondent about the interface which require in color improvement such as adding the variation of colors. Therefore, the researchers consider the suggestions that are given by the respondent as the advice to improve the application project to be a better project.


