OST Alpha Phase III: Final update

3 min readAug 10, 2018


“A woman meditating in an infinity pool overlooking a forest.” by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

Well, after a disastrous week, we’re finally here at the end of the Alpha Phase III challenge. Now we can relax. It’s been a fun ride, and we almost didn’t make it to the finish line!

What problem does your project solve for and what was the user need for creating your token economy?

Yogasqnc allows users to create and share yoga sequences. Creating a token economy solves the issue of transaction fees and processing times for microtransactions.

What was your key goal behind doing the challenge?

The key goal behind the challenge was to set the foundations to build upon yogasqnc and make use of a token economy.

How did you plan the design for your wallet features?

We planned the wallet features by sticking to the KISS principle. We primarily made use of the Ledger and Actions API endpoints for the transaction history view.

We decided to keep the information simple. The user only needs to know basic information. We only show the user the transaction type, determine if the token balance is coming in or out, and the time of the transaction.

We opted to display the transaction history in two views. The first is a sort of overview of the latest three transactions, and then you can retrieve more data on the full transaction history page.

What did you like about using these APIs?

We thoroughly enjoyed developing the app with the API. The documentation was fantastic and the developer community is outstanding.

What did you learn about designing these wallet features?

We learned that designing a simple UI is harder than it looks!!


The account overview page
Transaction history — the view button takes you to the OST block explorer
The YSQ token overview
Transaction details on OST block explorer

What’s next for yogasqnc?

“A low shot of a person's feet on a white arrow on a road” by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

Well — we’re going to keep developing our platform until it has all the features we want in it.

Our current feature road map looks like this:

  • Finish up our user account area (profile page, studio profile, etc)
  • Upload photographs of each yoga pose
  • Write detailed instructions on how to do each pose
  • Implement a charitable donation feature that allows sequence authors to donate a percentage (0.5–100%) of the sales of their sequences to a charity wallet. Users will be able to vote each month on the charity to receive the tokens
  • Implement user to company transactions (there are currently no user to company transactions yet!) so the user can purchase yoga related items directly from the site, or purchase sequences authored by us
  • We also have an exciting feature that will change the way yoga professionals & practitioners generate sequences! More details on that to come later…

We’re bringing our platform to the blockchain using OST Kit at ost.com — it is amazing what the OST team are doing with their development kit and how easy it is to use (so far!).

This concludes our social updates for the OST Kit Alpha Phase III challenge.

Be sure to check out yogasqnc at https://yogasqnc.com





Intelligent yoga sequencing for home & studio users. Powered by OST Kit & currently participating in the OST Kit Alpha phase III.