Yogesh Koli
1 min readFeb 8, 2019


Hello Gbenga,

Very detailed article got many things to learn, I have a question on managing queues/jobs/events on laravel application using database as a queue driver.

Basically my application setup will be using same thing (Load balancer with multiple instances, auto scaling group and a RDS database)

So whenever new events/job/queue fires the records will be store into RDS DB using jobs table and supervisor will be continuously looks for this and get executed if anything comes in — this working fine on single instance.

But the biggest concern is executing queue from multiple instances — does going to work?

So 1 queue 4 Server, 1 record into the database, 4 supervisors will be running to look after the queues — which server will run that particle queue all server? one server? or is there will be an exceptions?

I hope you get my question.

Let me know your thoughts on this.





Yogesh Koli

👨🏽‍💻Software Developer (👨🏽‍🎓Laravel, PHP, Angular, VueJS, AngularJS) ✍🏽Technical Writer — https://itechempires.comhttp://yogeshkoli.com