Yogesh V
13 min readJan 12, 2024



Label Studio is a web-based labeling and annotation tool that allows users to create and manage high-quality training data for machine learning models. It provides a user-friendly interface for creating and editing labels, as well as tools for collaborative annotation, project management, and data export. Label Studio supports a wide range of label types, including text, image, audio, and video labels, and can be customized to meet the specific needs of different machine learning applications. It also integrates with popular machine learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch. Overall, Label Studio is a powerful and flexible tool for creating accurate and reliable training data for machine learning models.


Project List Interface
Data Manager Interface
Quick View


The labeling workflow in Label Studio can be broken down into the following steps:

1. Project Creation: The user creates a new project and defines the label types and other project-specific settings.

2. Data Import: The user imports the data that needs to be labeled into the project. Label Studio supports various file formats, including CSV, JSON, and image/video files.

3. Label Creation: The user creates the labels that will be used to annotate the data. Label Studio provides a simple interface for creating labels, including options for label type, color, and other properties.

4. Annotation: The user begins annotating the data using the created labels. Label Studio provides a variety of annotation tools, such as drawing tools for image annotation and audio/video timeline for audio/video annotation.

5. Collaborative Annotation: Label Studio supports collaborative annotation, allowing multiple users to work on the same project simultaneously. This is useful for projects with large amounts of data or when multiple experts are needed for labeling.

6. Quality Control: Label Studio provides tools for quality control, such as inter-annotator agreement metrics and visualization tools for comparing annotations between different users or models. This helps ensure that the labeled data is accurate and consistent.

7. Data Export: Once the labeling is complete, the user can export the labeled data in various formats, such as CSV or JSON, for use in machine learning training or evaluation.

Overall, Label Studio’s labeling workflow is designed to be intuitive, flexible, and scalable, making it a powerful tool for creating high-quality training data for machine learning models.


Sure, here’s a quickstart guide for getting started with Label Studio:

1. Sign up for a free account on the Label Studio website (https://labelstudio.com/signup) and download the software (https://labelstudio.com/download).

2. Install Label Studio on your computer following the instructions provided in the downloaded file.

3. Launch Label Studio and log in to your account.

4. Create a new project by clicking on the “New Project” button in the main menu. Provide a name and description for the project, select the type of data you’ll be labeling (e.g., images, text, audio, or video), and choose the appropriate label types.

5. Import your data into the project by clicking on the “Import Data” button in the main menu and selecting the appropriate file format (e.g., CSV, JSON, or image/video files). You can also import data directly from a URL or a cloud storage service like Google Drive or Amazon S3.

6. Create labels for your data by clicking on the “New Label” button in the main menu and providing a name and description for the label. You can also set other properties like color, shape, and visibility options.

7. Begin labeling your data by selecting an item from the project list and clicking on the “Label” button in the main menu. Use the labeling tools provided by Label Studio to annotate your data accurately and consistently.

8. Collaborate with other users by sharing your project with them using the “Share Project” button in the main menu. This allows multiple users to work on the same project simultaneously, which is useful for projects with large amounts of data or when multiple experts are needed for labeling.

9. Use Label Studio’s quality control tools to ensure that your labeled data is accurate and consistent. This includes inter-annotator agreement metrics, visualization tools for comparing annotations between different users or models, and other features that help ensure high-quality training data for machine learning models.

10. Export your labeled data in various formats using Label Studio’s export tools, such as CSV or JSON formats, for use in machine learning training or evaluation.

That’s it! With these steps, you should be able to get started with Label Studio and create high-quality training data for machine learning models using its intuitive and flexible labeling workflow.


Sure, here’s a list of commonly used terms and concepts in Label Studio:

1. Project: A collection of labeled data for a specific task or application.

2. Data: The input that needs to be labeled, which can be in various formats such as images, text, audio, or video.

3. Label: A categorical or numerical value assigned to a specific part of the data, used to train machine learning models.

4. Label Type: The type of label that will be used to annotate the data, such as bounding boxes, polygons, or text labels.

5. Annotation: The process of assigning labels to specific parts of the data using Label Studio’s labeling tools.

6. Collaborative Annotation: The ability for multiple users to work on the same project simultaneously, which is useful for projects with large amounts of data or when multiple experts are needed for labeling.

7. Inter-Annotator Agreement (IAA): A metric used to measure the consistency and accuracy of annotations between different users or models.

8. Quality Control: The process of ensuring that the labeled data is accurate and consistent by using tools like IAA metrics and visualization tools for comparing annotations between different users or models.

9. Export: The process of saving the labeled data in various formats such as CSV or JSON for use in machine learning training or evaluation.

10. Label Studio API: A set of programmatic interfaces that allow users to interact with Label Studio’s features and functionalities using external tools or scripts.


After you install Label Studio, start the server to start using it.


Label Studio can also be started using command line arguments. This can be useful for automating the startup process or for running Label Studio in headless mode (without a graphical user interface).

Here are the available command line arguments:

-h, — help: Displays a help message with a list of available arguments.

-c, — config: Specifies the path to the Label Studio configuration file. By default, Label Studio looks for a file named “label_studio.json” in the user’s home directory.

-d, — data: Specifies the path to the data directory. By default, Label Studio looks for a directory named “data” in the user’s home directory.

-l, — labeler: Specifies the name of the labeler to use. By default, Label Studio uses the “ImageLabeler” labeler for image classification tasks.

-m, — mode: Specifies the mode to use. By default, Label Studio uses the “GUI” mode for running in graphical user interface mode. Other modes include “Headless” (for running in headless mode) and “Server” (for running as a server).

-p, — port: Specifies the port number to use when running in server mode. By default, Label Studio uses port 5000.

To start Label Studio using command line arguments, open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the Label Studio installation directory. Then, run the following command:

python label_studio.py [arguments]

Replace “[arguments]” with the desired command line arguments, separated by spaces. For example:

python label_studio.py -c /path/to/config/file -d /path/to/data/directory -l CustomLabeler -m Headless -p 5001


Label Studio supports several types of databases for storing annotations and labels, including:

1. SQLite: This is the default database used by Label Studio. It is a lightweight and self-contained database that stores data in a single file. SQLite is a good choice for small to medium-sized projects with limited data requirements.

2. PostgreSQL: This is an open-source relational database management system that supports advanced features such as indexing, query optimization, and transaction management. PostgreSQL is a good choice for larger projects with complex data requirements.

3. MySQL: This is a popular open-source relational database management system that supports a wide range of programming languages and tools. MySQL is a good choice for projects that require compatibility with other applications and tools that use MySQL.

4. MongoDB: This is a NoSQL document-oriented database that supports flexible data modeling and querying capabilities. MongoDB is a good choice for projects with unstructured or semi-structured data requirements.

Each type of database has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose the one that best fits your specific project requirements. Label Studio provides support for all of these databases, so you can easily switch between them as needed.


Label Studio is a desktop application that allows you to create and manage annotation tasks for machine learning projects. However, you can also use cloud storage services to store your annotation data and access it from anywhere with an internet connection. Here are some popular cloud storage services that support Label Studio:

1. Google Drive: Label Studio provides a Google Drive plugin that allows you to easily import and export annotation data from your Google Drive account. This is a convenient option for users who already have a Google account and prefer to use Google’s cloud storage service.

2. Amazon S3: Label Studio supports Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) as a storage backend for annotations. This allows you to store your annotation data in Amazon’s highly scalable and reliable cloud storage service.

3. Microsoft Azure Blob Storage: Label Studio also supports Microsoft Azure Blob Storage as a storage backend for annotations. This allows you to store your annotation data in Microsoft’s cloud storage service, which offers a variety of features such as encryption, access control, and geo-replication.

4. Dropbox: Label Studio provides a Dropbox plugin that allows you to easily import and export annotation data from your Dropbox account. This is a convenient option for users who prefer to use Dropbox’s cloud storage service.

When choosing a cloud storage service for Label Studio, consider factors such as pricing, reliability, scalability, and ease of use. Each service has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose the one that best fits your needs.


Label Studio is a desktop application for creating and managing annotation tasks for machine learning projects. It provides several filtering and sorting options to help you efficiently manage and analyze your annotation data. Here are some ways to filter and sort your annotations in Label Studio:

1. Filter by label: You can filter your annotations by the specific labels assigned to them. This can help you quickly view and analyze all annotations that contain a particular label.
2. Filter by user: You can filter your annotations by the user who created them. This can be helpful if you have multiple users working on the same project and want to view their individual contributions.
3. Filter by status: You can filter your annotations by their current status, such as “unlabeled,” “labeled,” or “reviewed.” This can help you keep track of which annotations still need to be labeled or reviewed.
4. Filter by date: You can filter your annotations by the date they were created or last modified. This can be useful if you want to view all annotations created within a specific timeframe.
5. Sort by label: You can sort your annotations by the number of times a particular label appears in them. This can help you identify which labels are most common or which ones may need additional attention.
6. Sort by user: You can sort your annotations by the user who created them, which can help you see which users are contributing the most or which ones may need additional training.
7. Sort by date: You can sort your annotations by the date they were created or last modified, which can help you view them in chronological order or see which ones were added most recently.

By using these filtering and sorting options, you can more easily manage and analyze your annotation data in Label Studio, making it a more efficient and effective tool for your machine learning projects.


1. Prepare your data: Make sure your data is in a format that Label Studio can import, such as CSV, JSON, or image/video files. If necessary, preprocess the data to ensure it meets Label Studio’s requirements.

2. Create a new project in Label Studio and select the appropriate label types for your data.

3. Import your data into the project using Label Studio’s import tools. You can also import data directly from a URL or a cloud storage service like Google Drive or Amazon S3.

4. Begin labeling your data using Label Studio’s labeling tools. You can collaborate with other users on the same project if necessary.

5. Use Label Studio’s quality control tools to ensure that your labeled data is accurate and consistent. This includes inter-annotator agreement metrics, visualization tools for comparing annotations between different users or models, and other features that help ensure high-quality training data for machine learning models.

6. Export your labeled data in various formats using Label Studio’s export tools, such as CSV or JSON formats, for use in machine learning training or evaluation.

7. Integrate Label Studio into your machine learning pipeline by using its API to automate the labeling process and integrate it with other tools and frameworks in your pipeline, such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, or Keras. This allows you to streamline your labeling workflow and improve efficiency and consistency in your machine learning projects.

8. Continuously monitor and refine your labeled data using Label Studio’s feedback loop feature, which allows you to iteratively improve the quality of your training data over time by re-labeling and re-evaluating it based on new insights and feedback from stakeholders or users.


Label Studio is primarily a desktop application for creating and managing annotation tasks for machine learning projects. It does not have a built-in ML backend, and you cannot write your own ML backend directly in Label Studio.

However, Label Studio supports integrations with various ML frameworks and backends, such as TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Scikit-Learn. This means that you can use these frameworks to train and deploy your ML models outside of Label Studio, and then integrate them into your Label Studio projects using the appropriate plugins or connectors.

To write your own ML backend in Label Studio, you would need to develop a custom plugin or connector that integrates your chosen ML framework or backend with Label Studio. This would involve writing code in the programming language supported by the plugin or connector (e.g., Python for TensorFlow or PyTorch) and following the specific guidelines and requirements for developing Label Studio plugins or connectors.

This can be a complex and time-consuming process, as it requires a deep understanding of both Label Studio and your chosen ML framework or backend. However, if you have advanced ML development skills and specific requirements that cannot be met by existing plugins or connectors, it may be worth considering developing your own custom solution.

In summary, while you cannot write your own ML backend directly in Label Studio, you can integrate various ML frameworks and backends into Label Studio using plugins or connectors, and even develop your own custom solutions if necessary.


Label Studio is a popular desktop application for creating and managing annotation tasks for machine learning projects. Here are some advantages of Label Studio over other similar applications:

1. User-friendly interface: Label Studio has a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy to use, even for beginners. It provides a wide range of annotation tools and features, such as polygon, rectangle, and point annotation, as well as support for multi-label and multi-class annotation.

2. Customizable workflows: Label Studio allows you to customize your annotation workflows by defining your own label sets, annotation types, and validation schemes. This flexibility makes it suitable for a wide range of machine learning applications and data types.

3. Collaborative annotation: Label Studio supports collaborative annotation, allowing multiple users to work on the same project simultaneously. This can greatly speed up the annotation process and improve the quality of the data by allowing multiple perspectives and expertise levels.

4. Integration with ML frameworks: Label Studio supports integrations with various ML frameworks and backends, such as TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Scikit-Learn. This makes it easy to train and deploy your ML models using your preferred framework or backend, without having to switch between multiple tools.

5. Data export formats: Label Studio supports exporting your annotations in various formats, such as CSV, JSON, and XML. This makes it easy to share your data with other tools or platforms in your ML workflow.

6. Active community and support: Label Studio has a large and active community of users who contribute to its development and provide support through forums, documentation, and tutorials. This ensures that any issues or questions are quickly addressed and resolved.

Overall, Label Studio’s user-friendly interface, customizable workflows, collaborative annotation, integration with ML frameworks, data export formats, and active community make it a powerful and versatile tool for creating and managing annotation tasks for machine learning projects.

