Git Emojis are fun 🎳

Maggie Yogeshvar
3 min readJun 22, 2020


Remember when your girlfriend got mad at you for not knowing what she said three years ago on Wednesday at 11.17 pm ? That’s exactly what a git commit is like. And if you’ve been single all your life let me explain it to you in more detail.

It is important to write a commit message that is informative and it should actually make sense (don’t say your wish or you decide to your GF)

git-commit documentation states:

Create a new commit containing the current contents of the index and the given log message describing the changes.

Why git-emoji is fun?

Programming, code is inherently flat and sometimes tiresome. git-emoji helps me to add faces, colours, and emotions.

To put in very simple, these are some of my commits before using emoji.

After using git-emoji which makes my commits look like

Doesn’t look good with emoji than plain texts.? Of Course, Yes.

It makes it easy to understand once you get used with git-emoji. Mostly, it’s fun. 💃

How to get started with git-emoji ?

To start using git-emoji in your commit messages from the command line you’ll need to install gitmoji-cli.

⚠️Take a break, npm install will take a longggggg time. 🤐

(P.S: I was manual checking the emoji and adding it to my commit messages. Thanks to Carlo for gitmoji-cli)

Once you installed as globally, then you are ready to commit message with emoji.

gitmoji is an interactive client for using gitmoji on commit messages.

Commit via gitmoji:

⚠️You can add gitmoji as your pre-commit hook and make all your teammates follow the same standards.

Well done! You have successfully committed your message with emoji.

Some gitmoji commands:

gitmoji -l ⇒ List all the available gitmojis

gitmoji -s search_query⇒ Search gitmojis

Why do I think gitmoji is useful?

  • Your today’s code is a future chronicle, so searching the commit messages will be hard. Additionally, we cannot guarantee that it will be meaningful for us.
  • Incase of gitmoji, we can search for commit messages with emoji.

Thanks for reading 👋 Happy Coding 👨‍💻

