99% Accuracy Last week & Wikipedia Pageviews Predictions 19 Mar to 25 Mar

Akhil Sharma
1 min readMar 22, 2017

I know this time we are late, but sometimes you get lucky to be busy.

So last week we had hit the 99% accuracy and now let’s see how much accurate we would be for our predictions from 19 Mar to 25 Mar.

Domain: en_wikipedia_org

Data Link (You can check yourself): https://tools.wmflabs.org/siteviews/?platform=all-access&source=pageviews&agent=user&start=2016-01-01&end=2017-03-18&sites=en.wikipedia.org

Last Week Predictions Link: https://medium.com/@yoghurtio/97-accuracy-wikipedia-pageviews-predictions-12-mar-to-18-mar-f260162e5b37#.4e91vm4td

First of all our scorecard:

Last Week’s Prediction Accuracy (Overall ~99%)

Date — Predicted — Actual — Difference %age

2017–03–12 → 278,108,011 ←→ 277,467,829←→0.23%
2017–03–13 → 290,762,994←→ 277,408,231←→4.59%
2017–03–14 → 276,585,351←→ 275,499,945←→0.39%
2017–03–15 → 270,409,246←→ 268,412,011←→0.74%
2017–03–16 → 266,792,010←→ 263,317,926←→1.30%
2017–03–17 → 253,583,756←→ 256,323,496←→1.08%
2017–03–18 → 250,236,542←→ 261,568,537←→4.53%

Week Total: Predicted: 1,886,477,910

Week Total: Actual: 1,879,997,975

Overall Accuracy: 99.66%

Next Week Predictions: 19 Mar-25 Mar

Date → Prediction

2017–03–19 → 281,683,821
2017–03–20 → 287,072,715
2017–03–21 → 277,720,752
2017–03–22 → 270,643,677
2017–03–23 → 265,663,663
2017–03–24 → 255,883,048
2017–03–25 → 257,842,728

As usual it took less than 1 minute to run the prediction and more than 20 minutes to write about it.

Try today: https://yoghurt.io/



Akhil Sharma

#simplifying #predictive #analytics through automation and #innovation. Predicting the Unpredictable. Now anyone can predict. https://yoghurt.io