What are the some fun partner yoga poses?

Yogi 360
4 min readFeb 13, 2019


Does your relationship don’t have that streak? we are here to help you through partner yoga poses that represents a brillant answer for the couples who need to reconnect. It offer an exceptional course for you and your buddy to rehearse and release up together.

Valentine’s Day is a day of love, happiness, and heartful moments. Many of you who are counting the days for its arrival may be pretty excited to realize Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. It is a perfect day to share special moments with your partner, family, friends and loved ones.

Love can be celebrated in different ways, however, this Valentine’s, we bring to you a handful of heart-opening yoga poses that could be practiced with your partner. Yoga is an amazing way to strengthen you bond with your loved ones. The practice beautifully harmonises your minds, bodies and souls transcending all tangible limits.

It is completely normal to fight, argue and also, things may not always work out in a relationship, however, the real problem arises when you don’t try to solve it in the right way. Taking to Partner Yoga is pretty much the key to bridging the gap between you and your loved ones. It may seem strange at first but it would be worth a try for anyone seeking to come closer to his/her loved ones.

The sacred practice of yoga[1] is indeed the purest path to love, unification and intimacy. Moreover, it is an awesome way to get healthy and fit together.

Check out these five heart-opening couple yoga poses for Valentine’s Day

1. Partner Boat Pose

First, find a comfortable position on your sit bone to balance yourself during the pose effectively. Sit facing each other with your knees bent. Bring the soles of your feet together and hold each other’s hands outside the knees. Now slowly lift up your legs in the air to a 45-degree angle. Straighten your back and release your shoulders. Hold the pose for a few breaths and gently release.

This pose is great for your core and it also makes you energetic.

2. Partner Tree Pose

Stand beside one another bringing the sides of the hips together and your inside arms wrapping each other’s waist. Raise your outside leg bringing your foot to your upper inner thigh. Now bring your outside hands together touching your palms in the prayer or Namaste position. Stay in this position for a few breaths and then relax.

This pose improves balance and concentration, opens the hips and strengthens the muscles.

3. Temple Pose

Stand facing one another and then slowly start folding forward at your hips as you try to touch each other’s hands. Bring your bodies more forward until your elbows, forearms and hands rest against each other. Hold this pose for a few seconds and release gently.

This pose helps open the chest and shoulders energizing and stimulating the heart.

4. Back to Back Breathing

Sit back to back with your partner in a cross-legged position and backs resting against each other. Take a few deep breaths and start sensing your partner’s breath for a few seconds. Now close your eyes and observe how your breathing slowly syncs with your partner’s. Stay like this for 2–3 mins.

This technique is a powerful way to help you connect deeply with your partner making the two of you become one through breath.

5. Partner Twist

Sit down crossed legged facing each other’s backs. Take a deep breath and stretch out your arms. Slowly breath out and bring your right hand to your partner’s left knee while you keep your left hand to the outside of your right knee. Your partner should follow the same steps. Feel the connection while you hold this position for 3–5 breaths and then repeat on the other side.

This pose strengthens and stretches your body releasing all the locked tensions.

Now that you have the tools to better your relationship, the subsequent results will only be positive, healthy and blissful.

Source — Yogi360

