Learn JavaScript Arrow Function in 1 minute

Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2017

The JavaScript Arrow function helps reducing the number of lines in a JavaScript function you like.

Hey! I’m Yogi. I created www.yogihosting.com and I write tutorials on web development to help beginners better understand the inner workings of Web Development.

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Take for example:

1. Finding a square of a number

This is what you will create a Squaring function in JavaScript:

function SquareFunc(num)
return num * num;


The above JavaScript function can be created with just 1 line with JavaScript Arrow Function. See this:

var funcName = (num) => num * num


The jQuery Each method is an amazing way to reduce number of lines of your code. It is mainly used in DOM Traversal.

2. Multiplying 2 numbers

In this case we will have 2 parameters that’s why our arrow function will look like:

var funcMulti = (num1,num2) => num1 * num2


3. Function with no parameter

If the function has no parameter the arrow function would be like this:

var showAlert = () => alert(‘Hello!’);


4. Function with Multiple Expressions

When we have multiple expressions then our arrow function can have curly brackets {…}, this is how it will look like:

var showAlert = () => {
var currTime = Date()



I hope you loved the Arrow Function of JavaScript and this tutorial should give you a great base of knowledge for further learning.

As always, please do some clapping for me & leave a comment for any of your through regarding jQuery.




ASP. NET Core Full Stack Developer — Frequently posting web development tutorials & articles. I have a passion for understanding things at a fundamental level.