Avishkaar Maker Studio — Tinkering software of the future?

Yogita Bhalla
4 min readNov 7, 2023


Avishkaar Maker Studio (AMS), the flagship software by Avishkaar is an integrated development environment to program Avishkaar hardware and programming simulated environments using block programming, AI, and Python.

Why is this the tinkering software of the future for children?

Accessible anywhere

It is an online platform, which means it’s accessible from any device with an internet connection allowing for seamless integration into various educational settings, whether it’s in the classroom or at home. AMS is also available as offline downloadable software for no internet areas with a basic feature set.

Simulation-only versions for children without Avishkaar kits opens up the scope of use to all children.

Engaging and Interactive

Based on the block programming platform Blockly, AMS provides a very friendly interface to make learning coding fun. Simple drag and drop interface similar to other popular block-based software. Simulations provide engaging feedback for the code.

Age appropriate Content

Avishkaar Maker Studio is for all ages.

Graphical coding blocks for ages 5–6.

For ages 7–14, the block-based programming software for an easy jumpstart in coding. It allows programming of the LITE and MEX Core brains for various Avishkaar’s Robotics Kits for junior age groups 7–9 and the FULL brain for bigger age group from 10–14. This also provides a balance of offline and online tinkering opportunities.

For ages 7–8, a simulation for robot construction and programming is provided for those who do not have Avishkaar kits.

For ages 10–14, an introduction to Single Board Computing, Circuit Designing, and IoT is provided through the Maker Board Simulation and Maker Board Programming Interface.

For ages 12–16, the introduction of AI mode in simulation as well as controlling Avishkaar hardware with AI provides a practical rendezvous for children with the technology of today, AI.

For 12 and above, full fledged Python programming to control Avishkaar Hardware or just independent exploration.

NEP 2020 Aligned

NEP 2020 proposed an overhaul of the Indian Education System making skill based learning its focus. Avishkaar Maker Studio forms the right foundation for this by providing a holistic interdisciplinary curriculum that combines coding with advanced skills like robotics, IOT and Artificial Intelligence.

AMS is supported by grade wise detailed teacher training guides along with challenges and assessments to provide the most effective hands-on experiential learning platform

Community and Collaboration

AMS provides a unique collaboration system where teacher can collaborate on the same piece of code to support children. Also the students can share their innovations on the supportive Avishkaar Community and find ideas from fellow innovators.


Finally, how can a software be complete with positive reinforcement for the efforts. AMS allows children to earn points, badges and participate in Avishkaar League.

As Avishkaar enables more opportunities to collaborate and exposure of possibilities of Avishkaar Maker Studio, it is set to become the go-to software for teachers, institutions, parents and of course children.

Visit https://ams.avishkaar.cc to start tinkering today.

