Did Swami Vivekananda or Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ever perceive God while meditating?

Yoglica - Spiritual World
2 min readOct 24, 2022


Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Swami Vivekananda never saw anything other than God, whether they were meditating or not.

Sri Ramakrishna once shut his eyes and began to meditate. The very next second, he opened them and asked himself, “Does God only exist when I close my eyes? When I open my eyes, does He not exist?

“Sir, I want to remain in Samadhi all the time, 3–4 days at a stretch, just returning to the bodily consciousness for the sake of eating,” young Narendranath (future Swami Vivekananda) reportedly pleaded with Sri Ramakrishna to give him his wish.

When Sri Ramakrishna heard Narendranath’s request, he scolded him, saying, “I see you are a very mean minded person.” I imagined you as a massive banyan tree under which millions could seek refuge (from the heat of samsara). But I see you’re interested in your own liberation now.”

Narendranath was embarrassed. But Sri Ramakrishna assured him, “You will attain a state much higher than Nirvikalpa Samadhi.” Isn’t it you who sings, “Whatever exists, Thou alone (jo kuch hai so Tu hi hai)?”

Sri Ramakrishna meant that Narendranath would see God with open eyes.

Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda experienced the unconditioned aspect of God while meditating. Outside of meditation, they saw the same God conditioned by various names and forms.

Outside of meditation, it’s like seeing pure gold devoid of all name and form; and inside, it’s like seeing the same gold fashioned into various ornaments such as necklaces, bangles, rings, chains, and so on…

credits: Swami Nirvritananda

Thanks, Yoglica



Yoglica - Spiritual World

Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory..