Digital Goods Transaction of Actions on Google (Create Action)

Yoichiro Tanaka
4 min readDec 15, 2018


In the previous story, I described about how to create an Android app and to upload and roll out it to the Google Play Console.

I describe about how to create an Actions on Google project to get your action for the Google Assistant in this story. You will use Actions on Google Console and Dialogflow Console.

Create a new Actions on Google project

First, you get a new Actions on Google project. To do this, you use the Actions on Google Console. Visit the URL: The Actions on Google Console will be opened. Click the “Add/import project” card.

To create a new project, you need to fill in the project name to the following dialog. For example, type the “digital-goods-test”, and click the “CREATE PROJECT” button.

Click the “Skip” link on the right top corner of the next page. That is, you don’t select any project templates.

After a few seconds, you should get your Actions on Google project.

Decide Action Name

Next, you need to fill in your action name. Click the “Invocation” menu item on the left navigation menu. In this page, fill in your action name. Then, click the “SAVE” button on the right top corner of the page.

If the action name has already been used by other action, or if the action name includes invalid phrase, the Actions on Google rejects the name and shows an error message. In this case, you need to fill in other name and push the “SAVE” button again.

Fill in Directory Information

Not only the action name, but your action also needs more information to publish. Click the “Directory information” menu item on the left navigation menu.

You need to fill in the following fields:

  • Short description
  • Full description
  • Small logo (192x192)
  • Developer email (required)
  • Privacy Policy (URL)
  • Category (here, select the “Art & lifestyle”)
  • Transaction “Do your Actions use the Digital Purchase API to perform transactions of digital goods?” (Turn on the “Yes” checkbox)

After filling in them, click the “SAVE” button on the top of the page. Then, if all necessary fields are filled in, you should see the message as like below:

Create Dialogflow Agent

Google provides Dialogflow for action developers. Dialogflow is a service of NLP (Natural Language Processing) engine. You can build high quality conversation actions easily using the Dialogflow. At this time, create your Dialogflow agent.

In the Actions on Google Console, click the “Actions” menu item on the left navigation menu. Then, click the “ADD YOUR FIRST ACTION” button.

The “CREATE ACTION” dialog is opened. Select the “Custom intent”, and click the “BUILD” button.

Your Web browser opens a new tab and open the Dialogflow Console in the tab. The page is for creating a new Dialogflow agent. Click the “CREATE” button on the top of the page.

After creating the new Dialogflow agent, you see an intent list page. Next, you need to integrate this Dialogflow agent with the Actions on Google project. Click the “Integrations” menu item on the left navigation menu, and click the “INTEGRATION SETTING” link on the “Google Assistant” section.

The integration setting dialog is opened. Turn on the “Auto-preview changes”, and clicking the “TEST” button.

Your Web browser opens a new tab again, and the Actions Simulator is shown in the new tab. Ask the “Talk to testing digital goods” in the simulator. You should see the response from your action.

Next Action

Now, you have three projects on Google Play Console, Actions on Google and Dialogflow. However, nothing is any relationships between them. To use Digital Goods Transaction feature, you need to establish the relationships.

I intend to describe how to relate them.

