Generating a Style Dictionary from a Design System Palette (DSP) using the Adobe XD Extension in VSCode

Published in
4 min readFeb 26, 2023

As a startup company grew and expanded their product line, their design team found it increasingly challenging to maintain consistency in their design elements such as colors, typography, and spacing. The team knew they needed to establish a design system to ensure consistency across their product line, but they were unsure how to get started.

That’s when the team discovered the power of creating a style dictionary from a Design System Palette (DSP) using the Adobe XD Extension in VSCode. By creating a DSP, they were able to easily establish a design system and enforce consistency across their product line. They were able to share the design system across the team, ensuring that everyone was using the same design elements and styles throughout the company’s products.

Creating a style dictionary from a DSP allowed the team to easily update and maintain the design system over time. They were able to make changes to the design system and easily propagate those changes throughout their product line, ensuring that everything remained consistent and cohesive.

In the end, the design team was able to establish a successful design system, which helped them scale their product line and improve their brand identity. By using a style dictionary from a DSP, the team was able to save time, reduce errors, and ensure that their products remained consistent and cohesive throughout their growth.

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for generating a style dictionary from a Design System Palette (DSP) using the Adobe XD Extension in VSCode.

  1. Explore Material Theme Builder to Create Your Own DSP Tokens

2. Download Material Design System Palette (DSP) Tokens

Download DSP

3. In order to craft a style dictionary, we’ll leverage the Adobe XD Vscode Extension. The very first step is to install the extension.

4. For Mac users, simply press “command + shift + p” to open up the toolbox. Once it’s open, search for Adobe XD and select it to proceed to the next step.

5. Once you’ve selected Adobe XD, a new window will appear. At the bottom of this window, you’ll see two options — “Edit Packages” and “Create Packages”. Since we’ve already created a package in the first two steps, let’s proceed with “Edit Packages”.

6. Now, select the file that you downloaded in step 2 from the file explorer and click on “Load Package” to import it.

7. The DSP tokens have been loaded. Click on “Start Editing” to begin customizing your style dictionary.

8. Once you’ve finished customizing your style dictionary, click on “Finish Editing” to save your changes.

9. After clicking “Finish Editing”, if your style dictionary hasn’t been installed, a dialog box will appear prompting you to install the dictionary locally. Click on “Install” to proceed with the installation.

10. Congratulations! Your style dictionary has been successfully installed. You will now be prompted with another dialog box to export tokens. Click on “Export Tokens” to finalize your style dictionary.

11. Once you’ve exported your tokens, click on “Open Folder” to view your style dictionary files. From there, you can access and use your style dictionary in other projects or share it with your team.



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Enthusiastic Lead Web Developer at Incresco, passionate about crafting responsive websites for the ever-evolving world of digital transformation.