Praying I Survive the 27 Curse

Yolé Ighereno
2 min readMar 11, 2024


i don’t know how old i was here, lol.

Praying I survive the 27 curse, I can’t help but chuckle at the quirky twists life throws our way as my 25th birthday approaches. “27 is close,” I think to myself, and they say, “I pray I make it past 27.” But why 27? I understand the literal meaning, but it never feels like it makes sense. Is there some cosmic force that decides our fate at that age?

I’ve never been one for celebrating birthdays. Perhaps it’s the fear of disappointment or the lingering trauma of only truly celebrating my first one. With a few days left until my 25th, I can’t help but think about the crazy ride that got me to this point — the unexpected surprises and a few zigzags here and there; a rollercoaster of emotions that I could never have predicted.

As the sun sets on my 24th year, I realize life isn’t a straightforward journey. It’s more like a lively mix of joy and sorrow, love and heartbreak, anxiety, and peaceful moments. Who would have thought that in just one year, I would confront emotions I wasn’t prepared to bear? The weight of severe anxiety, the sting of loss, the warmth of love, and the sharp pain of heartbreak — all mixed into my story. Life, it seems, doesn’t hand you a script; you just have to learn to improvise.

I’ve learned to ride the waves of my own mind, and though the waves still crash, I stay calm. Life is a relentless teacher, and the lessons it imparts are not always gentle. But here I am, standing on the brink of a new age, not necessarily prepared, but with a newfound trust in myself that makes me feel more ready for whatever comes my way.

Approaching my birthday, I can’t help but express gratitude for the opportunity to play this game called life. Every morning, I wake up and appreciate the people who’ve chosen to be part of my journey. It’s a testament to love, a force that binds us together despite my flaws and terrible habits. To my friends and family — thank you for staying, for enduring, for understanding. I might not have been the best friend, son, or partner, but hey! As we live, we also learn, right?

So here’s to the next chapter, the unwritten pages of the story that is my life. I raise a glass to the uncertainties, the challenges, and the joys that await. Cheers to the strength we discover within ourselves, to the love that keeps us going, and to the ever-evolving, unpredictable adventure called life.

Love, Yolé.

