Anti-Static Clothing: The Ultimate Protection Against Electrostatic Discharge

Umang Gulati
4 min readMar 7, 2023


anti static clothing

If you work in an industry that deals with sensitive electronic equipment, you may be familiar with the importance of anti-static clothing. Static electricity can wreak havoc on electronic components, causing damage and even complete failure. That’s why many workers in these industries opt for anti-static clothing to prevent these issues from occurring. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the different types of anti-static clothing, some of the top manufacturers, and the benefits of using this specialized clothing.

Types of Anti-Static Clothing

  1. Booties: Anti-static booties cover your shoes and help prevent static buildup on the soles of your shoes. This is especially important in environments where you walk on conductive flooring or carpeting.

2. Face Masks: Anti-static face masks are designed to prevent the buildup of static electricity on your face. They’re commonly used in cleanroom environments to protect sensitive electronic equipment from contamination.

3. Face Shields: Similar to face masks, anti-static face shields are used to protect your face from static buildup. They’re typically used in combination with other protective gear, like smocks or jackets.

4. Finger Cots: Finger cots are small latex or rubber sleeves that fit over your fingers. They’re commonly used in industries where workers handle delicate electronic components.

5. Gloves: Anti-static gloves are designed to prevent the buildup of static electricity on your hands. They’re commonly used in industries like electronics manufacturing and computer assembly.

7. Pocket Protectors: Pocket protectors are small plastic sleeves that fit into your shirt pocket. They’re designed to prevent static buildup on items like pens, pencils, and other tools.

8. Smocks: Anti-static smocks cover your clothes and help prevent static buildup on your body. They’re commonly used in cleanroom environments and in industries where workers handle delicate electronic components.

  1. Jackets: Anti-static jackets are similar to smocks, but they’re typically longer and cover more of your body. They’re commonly used in industries like electronics manufacturing and computer assembly.
  2. Socks: Anti-static socks are designed to prevent the buildup of static electricity on your feet. They’re commonly used in industries where workers walk on conductive flooring or carpeting.

Manufacturers of Anti-Static Clothing

  1. ACL Staticide: ACL Staticide offers a variety of anti-static products, including clothing, sprays, and wipes. Their clothing line includes smocks, jackets, and gloves.
  2. Bertech: Bertech offers a variety of anti-static products, including gloves, smocks, and finger cots. They also offer custom solutions for specific industries.
  3. Botron Company: Botron Company offers a range of anti-static products, including clothing, mats, and testers. Their clothing line includes smocks, jackets, and gloves.
  4. Desco: Desco offers a range of anti-static products, including clothing, mats, and testers. Their clothing line includes smocks, jackets, and gloves.
  5. iFixit: iFixit offers anti-static gloves and wrist straps designed for use in electronics repair and computer assembly.
  6. LPD Trade: LPD Trade offers a range of anti-static products, including gloves, finger cots, and wrist straps.
  7. Menda: Menda offers a range of anti-static products, including dispensers, bottles, and brushes. They also offer custom solutions for specific industries.
  8. SCS: SCS offers a range of anti-static products, including clothing, mats, and testers. Their clothing line includes smocks, jackets, and gloves.


Anti-static clothing is an important tool for minimizing the risks associated with static electricity in environments where sensitive electronics are present. By dissipating static charges, anti-static clothing helps to prevent damage to equipment, reduce safety hazards, and provide a more comfortable working environment. With a range of different types of anti-static clothing available, it’s easy to find a solution that meets your specific needs.

Note: This article is written with the help of AI

