Elevate Your Business Analysis Game: Generative AI and the Six Knowledge Areas -Part 1

Oyekanmi Win Oluwayomi
7 min readOct 8, 2023
Illuminating the Path to Business Excellence


Business analysis, often akin to navigating a complex maze of data and strategy, requires precision, insight, and a dash of creativity amongst other skills in your arsenal. The Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK) acts as your guiding star, outlining six essential knowledge areas for every business analyst 🌟

The knowledge areas are key in unlocking the activities you need to perform as a Business Analyst during the different stages of the project.

But here’s where the plot thickens: Imagine you’re the intrepid Business Analyst, armed with a high-tech ally. Generative AI 🤖, is set to make your journey through these knowledge areas not just smoother, but also more enchanting.

In this article, we’ll embark on a quest to uncover how Generative AI can be that invaluable companion, bringing newfound value to your business analysis odyssey.

In this high-level exploration, part one of a thrilling series, we’ll embark on a quest to uncover how Generative AI can be that invaluable companion, bringing newfound value to each of the Business Analysis six knowledge areas

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring — “The Plan”

Photo by Firmbee.com on Unsplash

In this knowledge area, it’s all about having an initial plan that is subject to change — not the kind where you conquer the world, but where you conquer business problems. Business analysts are the architects of the business world, and they need a plan to build their business empires, or at least a solid project.

Think of it this way — business analysts are the superheroes, and generative AI is like Tony Stark’s Jarvis, helping them plan and execute with superhero precision. AI handle the nitty-gritty details while you sip your coffee. But remember, you’re the captain of the ship.

Generative AI plays a crucial role in the Planning and Monitoring knowledge area by taking on several tasks to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the business analysts’ efforts. Here’s a more detailed look at how Generative AI provides assistance in this knowledge area:

  1. Business Analysis Approach Document

AI-Assisted Methodology Selection: Generative AI can analyze high level project requirements, constraints, and objectives to recommend the most suitable methodology (e.g., Agile, Waterfall) for the project. It considers historical data and industry best practices to make informed suggestions.

2. Stakeholder Engagement Plan

Stakeholder Identification: AI algorithms can identify potential stakeholders by analyzing project documentation, organizational charts, and communication patterns. It can help ensure that no key stakeholders are overlooked.

Communication Preferences: Generative AI can analyze stakeholders’ historical communication preferences (e.g., email, meetings) and suggest the most effective communication channels for each stakeholder, increasing engagement.

3. Business Analysis Governance Framework

Governance Rule Formulation: AI can assist in creating governance rules and approval workflows based on project requirements and organizational policies. It ensures that business analysis activities align with governance guidelines.

Compliance Monitoring: Generative AI can continuously monitor project activities to ensure compliance with governance rules, automatically flagging any deviations for review.

4. Information Management Plan

Data Storage and Retrieval: AI-powered systems can automate the storage and retrieval of project-related information, ensuring that documents are organized and easily accessible to the project team.

Data Security: AI can enhance data security by identifying and mitigating potential vulnerabilities, helping to safeguard sensitive project information.

5. Performance Metrics and KPIs

KPI Selection: Generative AI can assist in selecting relevant KPIs based on project goals and objectives. It can also suggest benchmark data for comparison.

Real-time Analytics: AI systems can provide real-time analytics on project performance, offering insights into progress, bottlenecks, and areas needing attention.

6. Risk Assessment and Management Plan

Risk Identification: Generative AI can help identify potential risks by analyzing historical project data and industry-specific risk factors. It ensures that risks are considered comprehensively.

Risk Mitigation Strategies: AI can recommend risk mitigation strategies based on historical success rates and their alignment with project goals.

7. Communication Plan

Personalized Communication: AI can personalize communication plans for different stakeholders by considering their communication preferences, time zones, and roles. It ensures that stakeholders receive relevant information in a timely manner.

Generative AI, when integrated into the Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring process, streamlines tasks, provides data-driven insights, and enhances decision-making. It acts as a valuable assistant, allowing business analysts to focus on higher-level strategic activities while AI handles repetitive or data-intensive tasks. This synergy between the business analysts and AI leads to more productivity.

Elicitation and Collaboration — “The Sherlock Holmes Phase”

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

Elicitation is all about extracting information, and collaboration is, well, not fighting over the last donut in the office kitchen😏. It’s about working together like a finely-tuned detective duo.

Picture this — generative AI your trusty sidekick. It helps you gather clues (data) from various stakeholders, so you can solve the mystery (business problem) faster. No more sticky notes or deciphering handwritten notes that look like ancient hieroglyphics. AI’s got your back.

Generative AI can significantly enhance the Business Analysis Elicitation and Collaboration knowledge area by automating tasks, improving data analysis, and facilitating communication with stakeholders. Here’s how generative AI can help with each of the deliverables mentioned:

  1. Elicitation Plan: Generative AI can assist in creating comprehensive elicitation plans by analyzing historical project data and best practices. It can provide recommendations on which elicitation techniques and tools are most suitable based on the project’s context and objectives.
  2. Elicitation Results: Generative AI can extract valuable insights and requirements from unstructured data sources such as emails, meeting transcripts, and customer/stakeholder feedbacks.
  3. Requirements Documentation: Hahaaa, this is one key area AI is useful. AI-driven systems can assist in generating initial drafts of requirement documents by analyzing gathered information. Business analysts can then refine and customize these drafts to align with stakeholder needs and project objectives.
  4. Business Rules Catalog: Generative AI can identify and catalog business rules by analyzing process flows and decision points within the organization. It can suggest rules based on historical data and regulatory requirements.
  5. Use Case Scenarios: Generative AI can assist in creating use case scenarios by analyzing user behavior patterns and system interactions. It can generate realistic scenarios based on historical usage data.

In summary, generative AI empowers business analysts by automating routine tasks, providing data-driven insights, and enhancing communication with stakeholders. It accelerates the elicitation and collaboration process, allowing analysts to focus on critical analysis and decision-making tasks while ensuring that requirements are well-documented and aligned with business goals.

Strategy Analysis — “Strategery, Not Just a Funny Word”

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Strategy analysis is where you put on your thinking cap and make plans. It’s like chess, but with less dramatic music (unless you add your own).

Generative AI becomes your strategic advisor, like the wise old sage in a fantasy novel. It’ll analyze the current state, predict future outcomes, and even make a mean cup of AI-brewed coffee. It’s like having a personal strategist who never forgets the plan (or where you left your car keys).

Generative AI can significantly enhance the Strategy Analysis knowledge area by automating and streamlining various tasks, allowing business analysts to focus on strategic decision-making and creative problem-solving. Here’s how generative AI can assist in each of the deliverables mentioned:

  1. Business Need: Generative AI can analyze vast datasets to identify emerging market trends, customer preferences, and competitive landscapes. It can provide real-time insights into changing business needs, helping analysts refine their understanding of the problem.
  2. Current State Analysis: AI-powered data analytics can swiftly process large volumes of historical data, identifying patterns and anomalies in current processes. This accelerates the assessment of the organization’s existing state.
  3. Future State Vision: Generative AI can assist in scenario planning by generating multiple future scenarios based on different variables. Analysts can explore various options and their potential outcomes.
  4. Gap Analysis: AI algorithms can automatically compare the current state with the desired future state, highlighting gaps and discrepancies. This reduces the manual effort required for gap analysis.
  5. Solution Options: AI can generate a list of potential solution options by analyzing historical data, industry benchmarks, and best practices. It can provide data-driven recommendations.
  6. Impact Analysis: AI can simulate the impact of the proposed strategy on various aspects of the organization, including operations, finances, and employee morale. It can provide detailed impact assessments.

Generative AI enhances the Strategy Analysis knowledge area by automating data analysis, scenario planning, risk assessment, current and future state analysis. It accelerates decision-making, minimizes manual tasks, and ensures that strategies are based on the most up-to-date and accurate information. This allows business analysts to focus on strategic thinking and creative problem-solving, ultimately leading to more effective and successful strategies.


In the end, generative AI isn’t just a tool; it’s your AI sidekick, your virtual Sherlock Holmes, and your strategic advisor, all rolled into one😃. So, business analysts, embrace the AI revolution and let the humorously efficient AI handle the heavy lifting while you focus on the fun part — solving business puzzles and enjoying a good laugh along the way! Stay tuned for Part 2, where we delve into the remainder three knowledge areas of business analysis where AI can automate your workflow.



Oyekanmi Win Oluwayomi

AI Business Analyst | Notion Evangelist | System thinking | Product Management