#AskGaryVee Episode 63 review

Yonas M Berhe
2 min readJan 29, 2015

The following blog post will be a amongst a series of blog posts that I will be making about Gary Vaynerchuk’s sensational Youtube series #AskGaryVee.

How do you become viral with no cash?

Follow that guy on instagram

Gary’s response to this question was spot on, when he spoke about how social media has become the plumbing of communication. Although I don’t agree with his second point, company’s can’t afford to not to market heavy. Amazon is one of the biggest e-commerce corporations in the world, it’s struggling because of their lack of presence on social media. Jeff Bezos (CEO of Amazon) has lead his company to phenomenal height’s even with the lack of marketing. Now in order for Amazon to continue to scale they have to create more content about their products, and services on platforms that allow them to reach the masses. Amazon is a prime example of iterating exceptional products, and services with out anybody knowing about them. Now if Amazon isn’t a lesson to all companies on why marketing is important, then I don’t know what else is.

My Course in College

Follow that media company!

Gary said that his class would be on how the traditional educational system does not translate over to the real world. Entrepreneurship is a subject that can’t just be taught, practical application is key to understanding what it takes to succeed as a entrepreneur.

Favourite all Time Snow Day #QOTD

I can vaguely remember one of the most blissful memories I have of my favourite snow day. My younger sister and I were playing in the snow in front of our house, we were trying to hit each other with snow balls. The only problem was that the snow wouldn’t even form into a ball, so we gave up on trying to throw snow balls at each other. Instead we just started to smack each other with snow until one of us got snow into our eyes.


follow me on twitter @yonasberhe_

