Why is Gary Vaynerchuk helping people?

Yonas M Berhe
2 min readJan 24, 2015

“timing matters but is a smaller variable, understanding whats happening to create your timing MATTERS MORE”

— Gary Vaynerchuck

The quote above is a response from Gary to a question I sent to him, my question was How important is timing? Gary responded to my question fairly quickly, had to grind to get a reply, but it’s understandable he’s busy. Gary is extraordinary, he takes advantage of almost every single social media platform their is to offer, and interacts with his core demographic. He prides himself on helping people with hustle. His awesome character lead me to ask myself, why is Gary Vaynerchuck helping people? So why does Gary help people? Here are my thoughts:

1. You’re worth his time

Watch, or read any publication with Gary in it, he is always speaking about being a hustler. Gary provides useful, relevant, data driven content to people, so he instinctively attracts smart fans. You know you’re worth his time if you can provide solid questions about how to gain traction with your business, how to create a brand out of your self, and how to use social media. Gary helps people, because he finds that his fans have the potential to do great things.

“give,give,give, ask” — Gary Vaynerchuk

2. Paying it forward

Gary’s personal brand is one of the biggest reasons he is successful, and he can only thank the people that made it happen for him, you and I, his fans. Gary has mentioned on numerous occasions that he is passionate about what he does, because he cares about people. Gary pays it forward to people by giving his time, thoughts, and advice. Besides being one of the biggest opportunists in the world, he’s also a good person.

3. Jabs, Jabs, Jabs, Right Hook

Giving can be strategic, and Gary knows it. This guys wants to recruit the best, so by providing value to people with talent he naturally has first pick at some of the smartest people around.

How does Gary know what to sell? Gary finds out what you want to buy, he gives with the intent of learning about his consumers. It’s hard to say no to something Gary is selling, because he has offered so much value to his consumers. I wonder what the next big thing for Gary is going to be, with all the support he has I think he can tackle any venture.

All in all Gary is an awesome guy that motivates people to do great things, he deserves our support. Gary is constantly raising the bar of what you and I can do, with memorable lip service, and practical application. Gary is prime example of what it means to stay grounded, Thanks Gary.


Follow me on twitter and instagram: @yonasberhe_

