Rethinking CISO Accountability: A Call for Balance in Cybersecurity Leadership

yonathan A
3 min readNov 1, 2023

A Reflection on Current Events and the Path Forward

In the wake of recent legal actions against CISOs for cybersecurity breaches, a growing concern is rippling through the infosec community. The message is clear: accountability is essential, but so is fairness. I want to share my thoughts on this delicate issue — recognizing that my views may not align with everyone’s and that I am open to learning from different perspectives.

The Uncomfortable Truth

The cybersecurity industry is at a crossroads, influenced by the precedent-setting cases of CISOs being held criminally liable for breaches under their watch. This development has sparked a heated debate about the role of CISOs in an organization and the extent of their accountability.

The Scapegoat Dilemma

It’s an uncomfortable truth that CISOs often operate within tight constraints — budgets, executive priorities, and the ever-present business imperative to turn a profit. When breaches occur, the spotlight turns to the CISO, but should it? When recommendations go unheeded, and systems remain vulnerable, who bears the brunt of the responsibility?

Echoes of 2008

I can’t help but draw parallels to the 2008 financial crisis. Back then, few high-level executives faced jail time, leaving lower-level employees to bear the fallout. Are we seeing a similar pattern today in cybersecurity, where CISOs are becoming the scapegoats for systemic issues?

The Consequences of a Punitive Approach

The threat of criminal liability may lead to a cybersecurity landscape marked by job hopping, as professionals seek to avoid long-term association with potentially vulnerable systems. Others may opt for less risky consultant roles, leading to a brain drain that the industry can ill afford.

The Industry’s Response

How should we, as an industry, respond? We need a dialogue on how to balance accountability with support. CISOs need a seat at the executive table, adequate resources, and perhaps most importantly, a culture that doesn’t just pay lip service to security but embeds it into the fabric of business operations.

A Way Forward

I propose a more nuanced approach:

Risk Management as a Shared Responsibility: Cybersecurity is a team sport. From the boardroom to the server room, everyone has a part to play.

Empowerment Over Punishment: Give CISOs the authority to match their responsibility. Without the power to enact change, holding them accountable is unjust.

Clearer Legal Frameworks: We need legal standards that recognize the complex nature of cybersecurity and focus on systemic reform rather than individual punishment.

Open to Dialogue

I believe in learning through conversation. If you have insights, critiques, or alternative views, I welcome them. Let’s use this platform to exchange ideas and shape a future where cybersecurity leaders can thrive without the disproportionate fear of punitive action.

Closing Thoughts

In our quest to secure the digital landscape, let’s not undermine those dedicated to guarding it. By working together, we can forge a path that supports and empowers cybersecurity professionals to do their best work — work that benefits us all.

#Cybersecurity #Leadership #CISO #InfoSec #RiskManagement #Accountability

