My First Month on Medium: Earning $108 from Writing

3 min readApr 4, 2024
Created by the author using AI generation

On March 6, 2024, I joined Medium’s Partner Program and published my very first article on that day. My initial intention was to share my own stories, experiences, and the knowledge I consider useful. I hope to not only offer valuable content to my readers but also to gain some income in the process.

The Medium platform has been incredibly helpful to me, providing a wealth of knowledge. I’ve discovered numerous high-quality articles spanning various fields, including popular science, spirituality, finance, technology, and medicine. This has made me willing to spend 1–2 hours reading on this platform every day, reaping a bountiful harvest of information.

I am also constantly pondering a key question: Does my article add value? This question guides me to ensure that my content is valuable not just today, but also in the coming years.

So, how did my first month of writing earnings turn out? To my surprise, from March 6th to 31st, I managed to earn $108 and gained 370 new followers.




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