PinnedA Paper Accepted at ICLR2025Congratulations to my student Runzhi on his following paper accepted at ICLR2025:Jan 22Jan 22
PinnedFor Undergraduate Students …From time to time, undergraduate students approach me hoping to work with me on some projects, either as a honour project or to obtain…Mar 16, 2023Mar 16, 2023
PinnedFor Graduate Applicants …Although I do work on applied projects and often publish papers of that nature, those works are primarily done via collaboration with…Mar 16, 2023Mar 16, 2023
忽然想起了ISIT2005印象中那次ISIT是在澳大利亚的悉尼,还记得那是我第一次见到贝壳形的悉尼歌剧院。但网上一查,ISIT2005却不在悉尼,而是阿德莱德。我心中有些狐疑了。查了一下自己的简历,我ISIT2005发的文章后面赫然写着会议是在阿德莱德。我这记性真是越来越差了。那次我和Wei…Oct 28, 2024Oct 28, 2024
Two papers accepted to NeurIPS 2024Here are two papers with my former PhD student Ziqiao Wang (who is now an Assistant Professor at Tongji Univeristy, China), accepted to…Oct 12, 2024Oct 12, 2024
Professor X: Departmental MeetingDepartmental meetings ran once a month. The attendees were usually around half of the 57 professors. Those who did not show up were marked…Sep 21, 20241Sep 21, 20241
Professor X: New SemesterThis was the beginning of a new semester. The campus suddenly woke up from the quiet of summer. The university, this enormous machine with…Sep 16, 2024Sep 16, 2024
It is difficult to be rationalMiddle-age man Tommy Wilhelm partnered up with con man Dr Tamkin investing in the commodity market and ended up losing all his money. This…Aug 8, 2024Aug 8, 2024