Life is a test of your patience


Yoni Havana
3 min readJun 28, 2016

It dawned on me that my life is a test of my patience, and I bet it’s the same for you.

My patience determines how I feel when things don’t go well for me. No matter what, things will never go 100% according to plan. I will fail at things along the way, I will get disappointed, and I will get upset. I have to deeply understand that it’s a given those feelings will arise in the future, and learn how to react in a nonchalant manner to avoid getting worked up.

My patience determines how well I’m going to do as a startup founder. Building a company takes years of hard work, day in, and day out. There are constantly new things to learn, and constant ups and down. The only way to succeed in this world is through resilience. Don’t quit!

My patience determines my relationship with my wife. No two human beings are 100% alike. I know I can be annoying to my wife, even when I mean well. I love the shit out of her, and I always want her best interest. I know that when I’m calm, show patience and love, she thrives on it. When I’m not, it impacts our vibe in a negative way, and I’m wasting precious quality time. Unfortunately, our time — as is everyone’s — is limited.

My patience determines how many books I’m going to read, and how much value I’m going to get from them. Like most people, I want to experience success in life, and I have a million things to do, from working, training, spending time with my family, cooking, cleaning, etc. Picking up a book is not the easiest task in this go-getting, push notifications world. Although, I find it rewarding and character building. Reading is a must for my growth.

My patience determines how well I’m going to do on my Olympic lifts. I noticed I do much better when I’m relaxed in my weightlifting sessions. Olympic lifting is a very technical sport, and even though it requires explosive movement, it is more about being calm and centered. I realized my way of lifting is somewhat a reflection of my lifestyle.

My patience determines a lot of things, so I have to be patient to make the most out of my life. I have to be conscious of myself, notice how I react to things, stay cool, remember to relax, and know that it’s gonna be OK. I gotta rise up, and try again, and know that I have a better chance today than I did the day before, because I’ve learned from my mistakes and gained new experiences. At the end of the day, that’s what I’m looking for in life: Living and soaking in new experiences, learning new things about the world, about people, and about myself, and enjoying human connections with people I like spending time with me. What’s more than life to it?

