[Humans of Yonsei] How to Build Your Own Robot: The Starter Kit

Yonsei University
1 min readAug 16, 2018


Interview with Sanghoon Oh, CEO of robotics platform startup LUXROBO

Sanghoon Oh, CEO of LUXROBO

Have you ever imagined building your own robot? Sanghoon Oh (entering class of ’14, Electrical & Electronic Engineering) is CEO of LUXROBO, a startup which creates LEGO-style modules you can use to easily build robotic devices.

Read more: http://www.yonsei.ac.kr/en_sc/yonsei_news.jsp?mode=view&article_no=167303&board_wrapper=%2Fen_sc%2Fyonsei_news.jsp&pager.offset=0&board_no=585



Yonsei University

Yonsei University is the leading private research university in Seoul, Korea (www.yonsei.ac.kr/en_sc/)