Project Five: Grids, Style, & Format (1)

Y-S Ooi
2 min readNov 14, 2016


With this project, I want to create a book that informs people on what the INFJ personality type is, which is derived from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test. As a resource, it’d also help people identify those with INFJ personality type traits, and show them ways to ensure healthy relationships with the INFJ in their lives. While the Myers-Briggs test’s actual validity is contested and the topic I’m covering is very niche, I identify as an INFJ (based on my Myers-Briggs results) and thought it would make for a fun topic to cover.

The INFJ is the rarest of the Myers-Briggs types, making up 1–3% of the population. There are a number of notable characteristics that generally define them, some of them being:
- idealistic
- creative
- intuitive
- introspective at heart, yet coming off as extroverted in many situations
- a knack for communication/connecting with others
- a strong desire to change the world around them for the better

However, the INFJ is also plagued by a number of flaws, some of them being:
- sensitive to criticism of their principles and values
- need a strong sense of privacy
- perfectionism
- can be overly dedicated to ideals/goals
- able to easily burn out

In giving people insight on how to take care of their relationships with the INFJ they know personally, this book will also explain these aforementioned flaws and how to provide support when those flaws may be “active.”


To be updated with sketches!

