Blockchain and Sharing Economy: Why YOOKYE is the next frontier of the Travel market.

4 min readApr 24, 2018


written by Caterina Ferrara, Yookye Advisor and Community Manager

Time to change

Blockchain is changing the way we conduct real estate transactions. The use of this technology will make it possible to have transparent transactions that hosts and tenants will benefit from.
In particular, Blockchain is going to allow for added a level of security and transparency that the Real Estate renting segment has never seen. It is now possible to record with absolute certainty who the new host is after it rents and reference the Blockchain at any time to verify all previous hosts and owners too.
In this context, YOOKYE offers a relevant solution and the best between last innovative services in the short term rental.
Like the internet, we have to start learning, get educated, and adapt to this evolving technology. We can’t ignore it, but be ready and involved, asking for the financing of Blockchain application in Industry and Travel market too.

Keyless remote opening door system.

All the apartments present on the YOOKYE platform will be equipped with a Keyless Remote Opening Door System through which you can turn your smartphone into the key.
With this service you can now remotely lock or unlock your home door by using a simple app on smartphone, tablet or directly from the computer.
This means that you easily can get in and out your vacation home without carrying keys. A great tool if you leave your keys in the car or you have locked yourself out of the house. Thanks to the remote locking and unlocking, you can let relatives, neighbors, friends, or the dog into the house when you’re not there.
At last, imagine if your hands are full of groceries, or you just want to show off: you can order the door to open automatically!
The Keyless Remote Opening Door System enables you to send virtual keys to tenants, house guests and even plumbers, while you are quietly relaxing or enjoying your vacation. It is a smart lock system safer than traditional ones clearly: keys can’t be lost, shared or copied, and there’s a record of the comings and goings of keyholders.
In the future we will have a camera able to alert our phone when anybody enters with a non virtual key.

Home Sharing between owners.

Home Sharing between owners is a practice in which the tenant of a home allows the use of that property in exchange for the use of another tenant’s home during not rented
period. YOOKYE has thought this home exchange service as alternative vacation way where owners stay at someone’s home while they stay at their.
Home exchanges make an ideal base for one-day or weekend excursions, and it immediately makes you part of a new community.

Your vacation in good hands

Each time you plan a trip, at first you thing to browse hundreds of websites, blogs, forums, read articles, reviews. All this content are the result of millions of experiences that go beyond simply reporting or describing a holiday. They represent an important value for people. Thanks to Blockchain all the reviews of YOOKYE consumers are immutable and can only be entered by those who have actually rented the house and lived a travel experience. So the review system is much more credible and plausible. Thanks to Blockchain your vacation is in good hands.

A greener way to travel.

It’s really interesting what data suggest: people who choose P2P rental platforms instead of traditional accommodations can contribute almost 21 Million Tonnes in emission reductions. Numbers that correspond to twice the magnitude of the City of Rome’s current emissions.
YOOKYE promotes Home Sharing as an environmentally sustainable method of travel, that, compare with traditional accommodations, involves a considerable less energy and water use, greenhouse gas emissions, and waste production.
From this point of view, YOOKYE inspires a sense of collective collaboration to use home sharing to help the environment for a zero carbon future.

Home Sharing between two strangers can also grow into a friendship: You don’t save only money when you travel but you can decide with your partners to exchange computer or to water their plants and — why not? — to drive family car. Travel with YOOKYE is always a good deal.




The first blockchain-based, rental platform for the short term real estate management and booking, with both traditional & #cryptocurrencies payment methods.