Marx to Einstein — Chapter 1 of my #Linkybrain story

Yo Percale
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2018
M + E = LB

Groucho Marx, a great comedian of a bygone era, once said “I refuse to join any club that would have me as member”. I’ve always identified with that sentiment and have tended to avoid clubs, movements, collective and labels.

This extends to how I identify myself professionally. I sometimes envy my more conventional friends who can succinctly answer, I’m an Architect, a Doctor, Developer or UX Designer when asked what they do.

I use International Man of Mystery whenever possible. Its easier than describing / explaining how I wear at least three, often hard to define, hats at any one time.

I’m also not particularly drawn to public confessions (fully aware that in some ways this is one). No judgement here and I’m grateful to Chris, Doug and all the other Linkybrainiacs for their confessions. Very helpful and in some ways comforting to read, though its simply not something I’m compelled to do.

And yet, despite my aversions to collectives and confessions, I find myself strongly attracted to the Linkybrain ethos, concept, idea… (or any other word that isn’t “club”, “collective”, “movement” or, heaven forbid, “cult”)

My Linky redpill moment happened late one evening when a complete stranger, with a pink hat, PM’d me on LinkedIn. Sounds like the start of a Quintin Tarantino or Guy Ritchie movie. The pink hat man (more hanky than hat to be fair) had my full attention when he typed “we’re still figuring this out” and “we are creating it on the fly”. He then said, read this and also this, this and this.

BOOM!! (as my kids are fond of saying)…I was hooked.

Few things excite me more than figuring out the new, the untried, the uncharted. On-the-fly is where I do my best work. Its where the magic happens, where everything is vivid and where I feel most alive.

Albert Einstein, once said “the most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science”.

From where I’m sitting, Linkybrains is an opportunity to explore the yet unexplored and the thus far misunderstood or mysterious with a truly diverse group of original thinkers.

I’m in!

