The Legend of Kuchisake-onna

4 min readAug 8, 2024

Kuchisake-onna, or the “Slit-Mouthed Woman,” is one of Japan’s most famous urban legends, particularly prominent during the late 1970s and early 1980s. Her story spread widely across Japan, instilling fear especially among children. There are various versions of her tale, and this detailed account will delve into the specifics and background of the legend.

Origins and Background of the Legend

The exact origins of the Kuchisake-onna legend are unclear, but it became widely known in Japanese urban areas from the late 1970s to early 1980s. The story spread rapidly among schoolchildren and became a social phenomenon.

Kuchisake-onna may have connections to older Japanese ghost stories and yokai tales. For example, the “Konjaku Monogatari” from the Heian period includes a story about a woman with a slit mouth, which could be one of the roots of the Kuchisake-onna legend. Similarly, the Edo period’s “Kaidan Botan Doro” also features a ghost with a slit mouth.

The Content of the Legend

The basic story of Kuchisake-onna unfolds as follows:

  1. Encounter: Kuchisake-onna appears with her mouth covered by a large mask or scarf. She approaches individuals, especially children or young people, in deserted places at night.




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