Dbrain - The blockchain platform that developed the AI ​​program

Yossa Adi
2 min readApr 9, 2018


this time I will explain the performance on the platform used dbrain and use cases

1. Platform

dbrain uses a blockchain platform that aims to convert raw data into AI solutions and access to dbrain within easy reach for anyone who wants to grow their business. this platform uses an automated way of working for data preparation or human workflow. using blockchain and cryptocurrency protocols ensures fair transparency and revenue distribution among all stakeholders

using our blockchain technology ensures the ongoing transaction security, dbrain processes millions of transactions that take place every minute so that the risk of fraud is very small. Dbrain uses coins as an internal currency that is used to pay or accept work, and use of AI applications. the web dbrain application is integrated by Ethereum and provides intuitive tools for crowdworkers to perform advanced tasks, using bot telegrams is ideal for labeling and validating images with highly developed smartphones becoming very easy to access

2. Use cases

dbrain offers a scalable and easy-to-access infrastructure by anyone to complement the shortcomings while doing business with high-quality AI products

dbrain meluncurkan aplikasi AI yang sukses untuk pembuatan konten dalam e-commerce pada tahun 2016 dan dbrain mengurangi biaya pemroresan 1 gambar. pengenalan citra adalah point penting untuk setiap orang yang ingin berbisnis, ini berdampak besar pada industri konsumen, otomotif, periklanan, perawatan kesehatan, pertahanan, media, dan hiburan

- The following is the core team that plays a major role in the Dbrain project

  • Elija Glazunov — Head of IR
  • Gleb Korneev, Ph.D. - Chief Partnership Officer
  • Victor Baybekov — Chief analyst, blockchain developer
  • Yuriy Aleksandrov — Architect, blockchain developer
  • Ksenia Chabanenko — Head of Communications
  • Dmitry Ulianov — Senior data scientist
  • Artur Kuzin — Lead data scientist
  • Igor Rekun — Lead data scientist
  • Andrey Kiselev — Data scientist
  • Alexey Ermolaev — Data scientist
  • Sergey Kolesnikov — Data scientist

here is some information about dbrain, for more information please visit the dbrain official website


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Author : Yossa Adi

