Ferrum Network NFT Division partnership lineup announces BK The Artist & Vapor 95 in Conjuction with UREEQA & NetVRk!

Nick Odio
Published in
8 min readApr 19, 2021
BK The Artist — Vapor95 — Ferrum Network — NetVRk — UREEQA— NFT Drop

NFTs? Is there anything Ferrum can’t do?

It’s been a while since Ferrum exploded onto the scene with its wildly successful launch of the Metal Ox. Since then, there’s been a team of individuals at Ferrum Advisory Services working quietly in the background.

It’s no secret that through Ferrum Advisory Services and the projects that we incubate, Ferrum is uniquely positioned to add utility to literally everything that Ferrum does. This will now include NFTs and we are coming in hot! Can you say FAS Incubated NFT Artists?

So much of what is going on in the NFT space today can be perceived as a money grab… and rightfully so. As Ferrum readies itself to make a splash in the space, we want to separate ourselves from that stigma by ensuring that our community is provided the same level of opportunity that the various initiatives from Ferrum currently offer. Private sales, staking services, monthly rewards… Ferrum does it all. But we just keep pushing the envelope and are now extremely excited to be pioneers in the provision of NFTs with utility. We believe that Ferrum has found itself in a position unlike any other project in the space right now and we are ready to add unmatched value to the world of NFTs.

-Jun H. Lee— Marketing Strategist & NFT Enthusiast at Ferrum Network

We are delighted to provide a sneak preview into what Ferrum has been cooking up behind the scenes these last couple months. We would like to introduce our community to the two newest additions at Ferrum! The very first FAS Incubated NFT Artists.

BK The Artist

Brian Kirhagis is an internationally renowned painter whose unmistakably unique work and strikingly original concepts are laced with socially conscious messages. These qualities combined with unparalleled consistency and production have elevated BK into one of the art world’s brightest stars.

Amongst the collectors of BK’s artwork include the likes of musical power couple Alicia Keys and Swizz Beats, 3 time Grammy award winner T.I., 10 time NBA All-Star Carmelo Anthony, and legendary hip hop mogul and co-founder of Roc a Fella records, Damon Dash… just to name a few.

The team at FAS is beyond stoked to play an integral role in the realization of BK’s limitless potential in the world of digital collectibles.

BK The Artist — Ferrum Network — UREEQA — NetVRk — NFT Drop

A message from BK The Artist

“I believe that I am perfectly suited and uniquely situated as an artist for the NFT space. At a holistic level, I believe that NFTs will bring great value to me in numerous ways. First and foremost, from an ownership and royalty standpoint, it completely changes the game in regards to finally giving creatives the necessary mechanisms to fully flourish in both the artistic and financial realms. Secondly, because of the nature of my work and painting style, the ability to animate layers and tell stories within the paintings allows the viewers to fully see the complexities in the composition and have an experience like never before. Its like I have been waiting on the right tool for my toolbox to be complete, and it has arrived. There is a seamless congruency that fits together in a brand new space that inspires countless new ideas so the future is exciting. And finally, because I have believed in the concept and theory of cryptocurrency and the decentralized monetary system in general from the beginning. I have always been about empowering the people and the message that I push through my art has always fallen along those lines. So in closing I believe that I could be an integral fulcrum between the traditional art world and the new frontier that we are navigating with the NFT space. This is the beginning of the future and I’m happy to be a part of it.” -

Brian Kirhagis — BK The Artist

Why is Ferrum joining forces with BK The Artist?

In every aspect of life, when deciding which relationships to dedicate your efforts toward, its imperative to be cognizant of where the synergies lie… if any at all. Is there an alignment of values? Do all parties involved adhere to a similar ethos? If so, then by all means pursue it!

Things with BK The Artist started off on the right foot when Ferrum was introduced by a long time Ferrum zealot, Marko Majic. When the team at Ferrum first met BK there was an immediate connection between them. Furthermore, the alignment between Ferrum’s mission and the story that BK tells with his art was palpable. It doesn’t hurt that he’s been a longtime advocate for the adoption of cryptocurrency. The decision was obvious.

We look forward to what this mutually beneficial relationship will bring to the career of BK The Artist, Ferrum and our community, and the relevant NFT related projects in which Ferrum Advisory Services has incubated.


Vapor95 is Ferrum’s first fashion brand partnership. Vapor95 is an aesthetic lifestyle brand focused on accelerating the vaporwave art movement and is positioned to push the boundaries of expression in the digital NFT space.

Started by a team of enthusiasts with a unique vision for expressing their creative passion through a mash of vaporwave and aesthetics. Their extraordinary usage of modern techno-culture art style transcends chill-wear into jarringly beautiful pieces promoting self-expression and confidence.

The overwhelming void of having high-quality, handmade pieces of art in the vaporwave apparel sector prompted their desire to ‘‘create’’, garnering incredibly talented designers from around the world such as Nemupan, Vinne Art, Mizucat and Seerlight among a handful of others.

Vapor95 — Ferrum Network — UREEQA — NetVRk — NFT Drop

A message from Vapor95

Cryptocurrency and NFTs are for all intents and purposes here to stay. As our industrialized society moves further and further into the digital space, decentralized currencies and forms of exchange will increasingly take the place of physical units of exchange. NFTs are an exciting new asset that not only benefits the artists curated through our platform but spreads the vaporwave and aesthetic art movements into a space currently dominated by other forms of artistic expression. Our artists will receive 70% of all profits after costs of gas and minting expenses. Vaporwave itself has elements of anti-capitalism. We believe that cryptocurrency being decentralized empowers the individual vs corporate overlords holding the purse strings of the banking industry. In this respect cryptocurrency and NFTs are inherently aligned with the Vaporwave ethos.

River Accorsi — Owner of Vapor95

Why is Ferrum joining forces with Vapor95?

As with BK, when the team at Ferrum network met River Accorsi, Founder at Vapor95, it became very clear that both companies prioritized their communities over anything — Vapor95 looks to protect its community and beyond, considering the environmental impact of NFTs on the planet. You can read their comprehensive blog post addressing questions and concerns about their curated NFT gallery launched on Foundation.app. But that was just the beginning. River has spent the better part of the last decade establishing, not only something that simply worked, but something that he believed in with every inch of his being. The same goes for every member of the Ferrum team… and the serendipitous nature in which the two parties collided brings it all full circle; through the long time friendship of Ian Friend, Co-Founder and COO at Ferrum and Michael Nacmias, Co-Owner of Vapor95 (and a FRM bagholder).

We recently began our journey by partnering with Vapor95 to launch our new FRM merch line. That is just the tip of the iceberg. We are thrilled to partner with Vapor95 and support their vision of bridging their consciously manufactured vibe from the physical world to the world of NFTs.

What do the partnerships with NetVRk and UREEQA mean?

With so many incubators/launchpads popping up all over the place, its hard to tell some of them apart anymore. We make sure that thats not the case at Ferrum. The reason that FAS has been so successful in its short yet effective time as the Y Combinator of crypto, we have always made it a point to cultivate a foundation of success within the projects that we incubate. But that just wasn’t enough. We needed to take it further.

Since the inception of the Growth Strategy Division (GSD) one of the focal points has been to foster the continued success of these projects after they leave the comfy confines of the Ferrum Castle and venture out to the battlefields to execute their roadmaps. This is evidenced by the initiative to act as a sort of Post Launch SWOT team. One way we have found to do so is by creating the FAS NFT Division in which we can find artists, brands, etc that can add value to the projects within our ecosystem. Who else does this!?


BK The Artist — Vapor95 — Ferrum Network — NetVRk — NFT Drop

NetVRk removes the creative limitations of the physical realm by bringing the infinite possibilities of the metaverse to the fingertips of our creators. Envision, for a moment, a world where the somatic constraints of content creation are removed and the mind is truly free to manifest the most immersive and interactive experiences imaginable. NetVRk makes that possible.

NetVRk will be showcasing BK The Artist’s work in all of its glory on the platform. In addition to his works of art being displayed inside of the Arts District, there will be interactive displays that focus on different points in the artist’s career… might be a cool place to buy Vapor95/Ferrum merch too.


BK The Artist — Vapor95 — Ferrum Network — UREEQA — NFT Drop

UREEQA is a revolutionary new platform that leverages blockchain technology and its global community to enable Creators to protect, manage and monetize all forms of creative work easily and efficiently.

We chose to partner with UREEQA because of the global appeal and relevance of its use cases. Their rigorous Validation process and Package of Proof make it an obvious platform for any brand to utilize when dropping NFTs, but especially one as carefully crafted as Vapor95. Also, imagine validating specific NFTs for the pieces that BK The Artist sold to someone like Alicia Keys or TI? Just sayin’!

Oh yeah, we’re dropping more NFTs

We are passionate about NFTs and what they can mean for the adoption of blockchain technology. In case it wasn’t obvious, Ferrum will be dropping NFTs with both BK The Artist and Vapor95… but not just any NFTs; these NFTs will be packed with Ferrum Utility. That’s all we can say for now.

Stay tuned to for more information regarding when and what exactly will be dropped. One more thing. If you like private sales and airdrops coupled with earth shattering art you’ll love these NFTs.

BK The Artist Social Media

Website: https://www.bktheartist.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bktheartist/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bktheartist

Vapor95 Social Media

Website: https://vapor95.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/vaporfashion

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vapor95/

Telegram: https://t.me/vapor95official

Follow NetVRk

NetVRk Website: http://netvrk.co/

Twitter: http://twitter.com/netvrk1

Telegram Official Channel: https://t.me/NetVRk_Official

Telegram Announcement Channel: https://t.me/NetVRk_Announcements


UREEQA Website: https://www.ureeqa.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/UREEQA_Inc

Telegram Official Channel: https://t.me/UREEQA

Telegram Announcement Channel: https://t.me/UREEQAInc

Follow Ferrum

Ferrum Website: https://ferrum.network/

Twitter: http://twitter.ferrum.network

Telegram: http://telegram.ferrum.network

Telegram Ann. Channel: https://t.me/ferrum_network_announcements



Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.