Being an entrepreneur in the Bay Area VI

4 min readAug 20, 2017



My sweet readers.

The sales strategy is working :).

We have three more customers in the pipeline for this coming week.

San Fran, are you ready?

Let’s make it happen.

After a week of strategizing and setting up our sales stack, this week went by SO FAST.

Reaching out to potential customers, scheduling meetings, going to events… Man!


One of our biggest traction channels is offline events.

Our best advice is, when you’re building your first 1000 customers, meetings in person can take a little bit more time, but these interactions are way more effective for startups that are creating new, disrupting habits in one industry.

You know the story of Airbnb founders when they went to NYC to meet one on one with hosts and mingle with them right?

On Wednesday we went to Yelp, attending another event organized by the Meetup group Mobile Growth SF.

The event was organized by Branch Metrics, bringing amazing product experts from companies like Lyft.

One of the best moments of this event, was when we discovered that the Pizza was organic and gluten free.

It was amazing.

As event experts, our standards are super high, and food is one of the first things that we look at.

The event was amazing, with great speakers, and yet another opportunity to mingle with some familiar faces.

On Thursday we had one of the most productive days of the week, by spending the whole day at the San Francisco Small Businesses Expo in San Mateo.

Hundreds of companies were present at this business fair.

For us, it was an amazing opportunity to do some prospecting and explore a number of potential partnerships with our brand.

Antonio Trincao Founder/CEO and Jason Jones Business Development Youcanevent, Inc.

Businesses like HSBC, and Flock were on display there, and what amazing talks we had in regards to upcoming events ;).

We even had the time to find a venue that looked like our dream office.

The Youcanevent Entertainment hub.

And we even saw some beautiful views of the San Francisco landscape.

It was time to wrap it up by attending two more events.

One was an amazing event for entrepreneurs from outside of the Bay Area that want to make a first impression with potential angel investors.

Pitch Force, organized by Max Shapiro, is an event series that serves as a platform to connect investors and entrepreneurs with special ideas and unique engagement techniques.

Antonio Trincao & Max Shapiro
Pitch Force Event

Then came the most important moment of the week.

We went to a Silicon Valley Forum event to meet with Michael Alexandre, the event manager of Silicon Valley Forum, to discuss the organization’s upcoming events and how we can collaborate on them.

Silicon Valley Forum organizes 80+ events a year, and counting.

As an organization that has been active for more than 30 years, it’s the perfect example of the kind of partners that we would love to work with.

Antonio Trincao & Michael Alexandre

Next week we are over booked with events on

Get ready, because a lot of news will be coming soon.

I can event,

We can event,


Thank you so much #youcaneventfamily





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