YGT Token

2 min readJul 14, 2018


YouGive ecosystem is using YGT cryptocurrency. Users need YouGive cryptocurrency to pay for the services of the platform.

Characteristics of YGT token:

  • YGT is not used for profit;
  • YGT token holders have no shareholder rights;
  • YGT tokens are used solely within the ecosystem YouGive;
  • tokens will be sold to interested persons on the basis of the offer;
  • YGTtokens may freely be resold to new owners;
  • for sale token YGT used cryptocurrency exchange;
  • before purchasing YGT tokens it is necessary to pass KYC procedure;
  • YGT cryptocurrency purchasing is banned for China and US citizens.

Why YGT token rate will grow?

  • Issue of YGT cryptocurrency is limited — a strictly defined number of tokens will be used in the ecosystem;
  • YGT tokens are required for all services provided by YouGive (scoring, insurance, loans);
  • services of YouGive platform due to favorable credit rates and a conscious marketing strategy will become more popular, which will lead to an increase in demand for the YGT cryptocurrency;
  • in YGT ecosystem fees for the transactions does not become more expensive with increasing prices for cash.

Thus, we provide all the conditions for stable growth of the YGT cryptocurrency in the next 1–2 years. Demand for YGT cryptocurrency will continue to increase as YGT platform provides more profitable financial services compared to traditional financial institutions

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