The Act Or The Actor: what is the real problem

3 min readMar 17, 2023


“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” _Albert Einstein

Ever wondered why you keep repeating the same thing and expecting something to change? Is it just blind stubbornness or is it hope that eventually something is going to finally click? Take a young person’s quest to find a job for instance; countless applications, same patterns. You keep trying and trying and hoping that one day something’s going to click and it’ll all be worth it. You’ve tweaked your applications to the best you believe they can be so won’t exactly say you’ve been doing the same thing constantly and expecting the same result. You made some changes right? Wrong. What if the problem wasn’t the application, but the applicant?

The things we do and create are a reflection of who we are. If there’s something wrong with the creator, it reflects in the creation; The award for the best act goes to the best actor. The application is no more than the applicant on paper. Optimizing and tweaking your application, but not doing the same for yourself is merely a case of treating the symptoms whilst ignoring the ailment.

Humans like to have something to blame, it helps divert our consciousness from the reality of the situation, our failure. So it’s much easier to blame nepotism for your unemployed state rather than face the fact that you’re probably not good enough. And that’s okay. Sometimes it’s easier to blame someone else rather than acknowledge your shortcomings. We’ve all been there. Yes, things like corruption, nepotism and others worse than both exist. But you would be doing yourself a great disservice if you let those things define your success.

Most of the global pioneers of change and evolution today didn’t have a lot going for them to start with. Simple fact; the issues that plague our society today, did not start today. And not every employed person today got there through favors. Long story short, you don’t have a job because you’re most likely not employable. The applicant is the problem.

Can you boldly say that you are the best at what you do? Do you even believe it is possible to be so? What do you have to offer the companies that you wish to work with? What makes you invaluable? Take a moment to answer these questions…

Identifying a problem is the first step to solving it. If you have answered the above questions honestly, then you must have an idea of what your problem might be if you have one. Now to the big question; how does one become employable?

Simple, people want value. We all want to feel like we are getting our money’s worth. You might be naturally good at somethings and may therefore think that counts as value. It doesn’t. Whilst raw talent is beautiful, it’s still raw and no one will consume goods that are raw, which makes them of little to no value. That’s why employers ask for experience. They want to know that what you have to offer is more than just talent, but that it has been refined and therefore translates to value.

Experience implies learning and practice. It’s not enough to know how it’s done, you need to have done it. Now let’s address the problem probably going on in your mind right now; How and where do I learn and most importantly, how do I get experience?

To answer all questions, Youlead International offers an 8-week training program on relevant skills to help you begin your career or scale up in your current one. Skills Konnect Bootcamp is a training program designed specifically to launch you into a career where you’ll constantly be on demand. After the training program, you’ll also be given a paid internship opportunity which will count as experience on your portfolio.

Register for the Skills Konnect Bootcamp now and become one of the best actors in the job market!

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_Youlead International

