Hassiba Bensaid
Jun 23, 2024

At Jarlsberg Manor, northwest of Ginsberg in Vest fold county, Norway, archaeologists have verified the presence of a Viking ship burial. The discovery is connected to an earlier finding made in 2018 during a metal detector scan at Jarlsberg Homeward, which revealed a scattering of iron rivets. Following this, a thorough investigation with ground-penetrating radar revealed evidence of a burial mound. The Where-Jarlsberg family ancestral home, Jarlsberg Homeward, has long been a popular destination. Setting the stage for this momentous discovery was the manor, connected to the Count and Countess of Jarlsberg, the former rulers of the County of Jarlsberg. Regretfully, throughout the ages, farming practices have eliminated any discernible remnants of the burial mound, dispersing the rivets throughout the Terrie or burying them in the loose dirt.

Hassiba Bensaid

My name is Hassiba and I write articles about incidents, news, and recent scientific facts that you will enjoy.