8 Lessons Learned from Testing 1,000 Morning Routines

James Everett Youngblood
11 min readOct 7, 2019
Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

Update: This article was originally featured on a blog for men. The word “men” was used a few times throughout, which led to some complaints. It was never intended to exclude anyone. I’ve since removed it for a better reading experience on this platform.

It’s Friday afternoon and, once again, there wasn’t time to get enough of the important work done this week.

You’re overwhelmed by the needs and agendas of others — email hounding you from the moment you wake up until you set the phone down for the night.

When you finally dig into an important project, the day is half gone. You think, now I can get some real work done. But endless interruptions make it hard to gain any traction.

There just isn’t enough time.

And, at this rate, it feels like you’re never going to get ahead. It’s so frustrating — like trying to paddle against the current of a mighty, tireless river. It’s exhausting, and sooner or later you will lose.

If only there was a way to gain a head start on the rest of the world. To get your boat in the race before others have even thought about their first cup of coffee.

Successful People Know This Secret



James Everett Youngblood

Wellness and personal development geek bringing high performance and wholehearted selling to SaaS.