React Native App Architecture Diagrams

Younis Rahman
7 min readFeb 21, 2024


React Native App Architecture Diagrams
React Native App Architecture Diagrams

Developing a mobile app isn’t just about writing code. It’s like building a house. You need a plan, know how the rooms connect, and make sure it can grow without falling apart. That’s where React Native comes in. It helps developers build mobile apps for Android and iPhone, but with less complexity.

This guide goes in-depth into React Native app architecture diagrams, covering everything from simple drawings to detailed plans for deploying the app. It includes practical advice, best practices, and real-life examples to help you along the way.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Different types of diagrams: Like maps with different zoom levels, some diagrams show the whole app, while others focus on specific parts.
  • What each diagram helps you do: Understand how data flows, how components interact, and where things are stored.
  • Best practices for creating clear and useful diagrams: Make sure your diagrams are easy to understand for everyone working on the app.
  • Real-world examples: See how other developers use diagrams to build successful apps.

High-Level Diagrams (HLDs): Big Picture App Plans

Imagine looking down on your whole app from a helicopter. That’s what High-Level Diagrams (HLDs) do! They show the main parts of your app and how they connect, without getting bogged down in details.

Why are HLDs important in React Native?

  • They help you see the “big picture” of your app, like how different screens connect and how data flows around.
  • They make it easier for everyone working on the app to understand its structure.
  • They can help you catch problems early on, before they become bigger issues.

How to make an HLD:

  1. List the main parts: Think of screens, buttons, and other things users see. Also include things that happen behind the scenes, like states and data storage.
  2. Draw them out: Use simple shapes and lines to show how the parts connect. Tools like Lucidchart or can help.
  3. Keep it simple: Don’t overload the diagram with too much detail. Focus on the main connections and flows.
  4. Use colors and symbols: Choose different colors and shapes to represent different types of parts, making it easier to read.
  5. Update it regularly: As your app changes, update the HLD so it stays accurate.

Remember, HLDs are like a map that helps you navigate your app’s structure. Keep it simple, clear, and updated, and it will be a valuable tool throughout your development process!

Low-Level Diagrams (LLDs): Deep Dives into App Parts

Imagine zooming in on a specific room in your app house. That’s what Low-Level Diagrams (LLDs) do! They show the nitty-gritty details of how individual parts work and interact.

Why are LLDs important in React Native?

  • They help developers understand the “inner workings” of specific components, like how they access data and talk to each other.
  • They make it easier to fix bugs and improve the performance of specific parts of the app.
  • They can help document how external tools or libraries are used within the app.

How to make an LLD:

  1. Pick a part: Focus on one specific component, feature, or screen in your app.
  2. Show its insides: Draw how it works internally, like how it stores data and interacts with other parts.
  3. Label everything: Use clear labels for inputs, outputs, and internal states.
  4. Flow it out: Use sequence diagrams to show how messages flow between the component and others.
  5. Keep it clear: Don’t overload the diagram with too much information. Focus on the important details.
  6. Document external helpers: If your component uses other tools or libraries, show how they connect and work together.

Remember, LLDs are like detailed blueprints for specific parts of your app. Keep them focused, clear, and informative, and they’ll be a valuable resource for developers working on different parts of your project.

Class Diagrams: Not as common, but still helpful!

While React Native mostly uses “function components,” Class Diagrams can still be useful in certain situations. They’re like blueprints showing how different “classes” (think of them as mini-programs) interact within your app.

When are Class Diagrams useful in React Native?

  • Object-oriented programming: If your app uses object-oriented principles for shared logic or data, Class Diagrams can help visualize how these classes work together.
  • Understanding complex components: For particularly complex components, a Class Diagram can break them down into smaller, more manageable parts.

How to make a Class Diagram:

  1. List the classes: Think of these as the different “mini-programs” in your app.
  2. Show their details: Draw what each class does (its “methods”) and what information it stores (its “attributes”).
  3. Connect them: Show how the classes interact with each other, like who sends and receives information.
  4. Focus on specific parts: For functional components, zoom in on lifecycle hooks (when the component does special things) and context providers (which share data across the app).


  • Use a standard format like UML to make your diagram easy to understand for others.
  • Focus on the most important details and avoid overloading the diagram with too much information.

Even though less common, Class Diagrams can be a helpful tool for understanding and documenting complex parts of your React Native app. Use them wisely and they’ll be a valuable addition to your development toolbox!

UI Building Blocks: Component Diagrams

Imagine your app as a Lego castle. Each piece (screen, button, etc.) is a component, and how they connect is shown in a Component Diagram.

Why are Component Diagrams important in React Native?

  • They help you see the “building blocks” of your app’s interface, like how screens and buttons fit together.
  • They make it easier to understand how data flows between different parts of the UI.
  • They can help you identify opportunities to reuse components and make your code more efficient.

How to make a Component Diagram:

  1. Start at the top: Begin with the main screen of your app, like the home screen.
  2. Show its children: Draw how smaller components (buttons, menus, etc.) connect to the main screen.
  3. Label the connections: Show what information or actions are passed between components.
  4. Highlight reusables: If you use the same component in multiple places, mark it to encourage code reuse.
  5. Data flow: Show how data moves between components using arrows and labels.


  • Keep it simple and focus on the main connections.
  • Use clear labels and arrows to show data flow.
  • Highlight reusable components to save time and effort.

By understanding how UI components work together, you can build cleaner, more efficient React Native apps. Component Diagrams are your roadmap to a well-structured UI!

Step-by-Step Stories: Sequence Diagrams

Imagine your app like a play with different characters (components) interacting. Sequence Diagrams show the script, detailing who talks to whom and when, especially for things that happen “out of order.”

Why are Sequence Diagrams important in React Native?

  • They help you see the “conversation” between components, especially for complicated actions happening over time.
  • They make it easier to understand asynchronous operations, like waiting for data from the internet.
  • They can help you identify potential problems in how components interact.

How to make a Sequence Diagram:

  1. Pick an action: Choose a specific task in your app, like showing a list of items.
  2. List the players: Who’s involved? Include screens, buttons, and systems like APIs.
  3. Show the steps: Draw lines with arrows marking who sends what message (like button click) and when.
  4. Highlight “out of order” things: Clearly mark parts that wait for others, like API calls.
  5. Time it out: Use vertical lines to show how long each component is “active” in the conversation.


  • Keep it clear and focused on the main steps.
  • Use arrows and labels to show who sends what message.
  • Highlight asynchronous parts to avoid confusion.

By seeing how components talk to each other over time, you can build smoother and more predictable React Native apps. Sequence Diagrams are your backstage pass to understanding app interactions!

Setting Up Your App Home: Deployment Diagrams

Imagine your app is a house, but instead of bricks and mortar, it’s servers and databases. Deployment Diagrams show the blueprint of this “app house,” including where everything lives and how it works together.

Why are Deployment Diagrams important in React Native?

  • They help you visualize where your app actually runs, like on servers or in the cloud.
  • They show how different parts of your app (databases, services) connect and work together.
  • They can help you plan how to update and release your app smoothly.

How to make a Deployment Diagram:

  1. Map the “rooms”: Draw the servers, databases, and other systems your app uses.
  2. Connect the dots: Show how these parts are linked, like how your app talks to a database.
  3. Cloud connections: If you use cloud services, show how they fit into the picture.
  4. Version control: Mention how you keep track of different versions of your app.
  5. Release pipeline: Draw the process of updating your app from development to production.


  • Keep it simple and focus on the main components.
  • Use clear labels and arrows to show connections.
  • Highlight versioning and updates for smooth deployment.

By understanding where your app lives and how it works behind the scenes, you can ensure it runs smoothly and gets updates seamlessly. Deployment Diagrams are your map to a well-deployed and managed React Native app!

Conclusion: Blueprints for Your Winning React Native App!

Building a React Native app needs more than just code — you need a plan! Diagrams are your secret weapon, like blueprints showing your app’s structure and how it works.

With these tips and different diagram types, you’re ready to build amazing React Native apps with a solid foundation!

