7 Secret Ways To Get A Man Deeply Obsessed With You [Psychology]

Your Relationship Guide
12 min readSep 26, 2023


Discover 7 effective ways to get a man deeply obsessed with you! Amp up your love life with smart psychology in this exciting yet valuable guide.

7 Secret Ways To Get A Man Deeply Obsessed With You [Psychology]
7 Secret Ways To Get A Man Deeply Obsessed With You [Psychology]

Have you ever wondered how to make a man completely obsessed with you? With these seven secret ways backed by psychology, you can take your love life to the next level and create a deeply obsessed connection with the man of your dreams.

Understanding the psychology behind attraction and obsession is key to creating a strong emotional bond with a man. From maintaining an aura of mystery to igniting his generosity, we will explore effective strategies that will leave him unable to stop thinking about you.

Key Takeaways

  • Creating a strong emotional bond requires understanding the psychology of attraction.
  • Becoming elusive and mysterious can make a man deeply obsessed with you.
  • Building an emotional connection both in person and over text is crucial in making him obsessed with you and only you.
  • Reigniting the spark is possible with the help of psychological techniques.
  • Long-distance relationships require special strategies to maintain obsession.

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1. Understand the Power of Mystery

Get a Man Deeply Obsessed with you

When it comes to making a man deeply obsessed with you, one of the most powerful tools at your disposal is creating an aura of mystery. The unknown can be incredibly alluring, and maintaining an air of intrigue can make you even more desirable to him.

You can create mystery in a variety of ways, even without speaking to him directly.

Consider your body language and gestures, as these can speak volumes without any words. Maintain eye contact, hold yourself with confidence, and don’t reveal everything about yourself at once.

When you do speak with him, choose your words carefully and thoughtfully. Avoid oversharing or revealing everything about yourself too soon. Instead, focus on creating a sense of curiosity and making him wonder what else there is to discover about you.

It’s also important to keep in mind that mystery doesn’t mean being completely unattainable. You still want to make yourself approachable and available, but in a way that keeps him intrigued and fascinated.

2. Mix Pleasure with Pain

Getting a Man Deeply Obsessed with you using pain with pleasure

The greatest mistake in attracting is being too nice.

At first, perhaps, your kindness is charming, but it soon grows monotonous; you are trying too hard to please, and seem insecure.

Instead of overwhelming your targets with niceness, try inflicting some pain. Make them feel guilty and insecure. Instigate a breakup — now a rapprochement, a return to your earlier kindness, will turn them weak at the knees. The lower the lows you create, the greater the highs.

To heighten the erotic charge, create the excitement of fear.

3. Build Emotional Connection

Getting a Man Deeply Obsessed with you by building emotional connection

While physical attraction is essential in any relationship, building an emotional connection is crucial to make him obsessed with you and only you.

Emotional intimacy can make him feel seen, heard, and understood, creating a sense of security and trust.

Here are some tips on building an emotional bond with a man, both in person and over text:

  1. Listen actively and ask questions — When he shares his thoughts and feelings, actively listen and show empathy. Ask questions to understand him better and show that you care.
  2. Be vulnerable and open — Share your own thoughts and feelings, even if they might be uncomfortable. Being vulnerable can help you connect on a deeper level.
  3. Create shared experiences — Doing things together, whether it’s trying a new activity or traveling, can create shared memories and strengthen your emotional connection.
  4. Use thoughtful gestures — Small gestures like sending a thoughtful message or surprise gift can show that you care and are thinking of him.
  5. Communicate regularly — Regular communication, whether it’s through text, phone calls, or in person, can help maintain the emotional connection and deepen your bond.

Remember, building an emotional connection takes time and effort, but it can make him obsessed with you and only you. Use these tips to create a strong emotional bond, both in person and over text.

4. Reignite the Spark

Relationships can go through ups and downs, and it’s not uncommon for the spark to fizzle out.

However, that doesn’t mean that all is lost. With a little effort, you can reignite the flame and make him obsessed with you again.

  • One way to reignite the spark is to reintroduce the things that made your relationship exciting in the beginning. Think back to the early days and identify the things that brought you closer. Was it trying new things together, long walks, or spontaneous adventures? Whatever it was, try to recreate those moments and bring back the excitement.
  • Another way to reignite the spark is to communicate openly and honestly with your partner. Don’t shy away from discussing what’s been bothering you or what you miss about your relationship. When you’re open and honest, it shows that you’re invested in the relationship and willing to work through any issues that arise.
  • Finally, don’t forget about the power of physical touch. Touch is a powerful way to connect with your partner and reignite the passion. Simple gestures like holding hands, hugging, or kissing can go a long way in making him obsessed with you again.

5. Long-Distance Obsession

Long-Distance Obsession

Distance can put a strain on any relationship, but it doesn’t have to be the end of deep obsession.

By using the right techniques, you can keep your man deeply obsessed with you, no matter how far apart you are. Here are some ways to make him obsessed with you long distance:

  • Keep communication strong: Communication is key in any relationship, especially in long-distance ones. Keep in touch regularly, and make sure to let him know you’re thinking about him.
  • Use video calls: Seeing each other’s faces can deepen your bond and bring you closer together. Schedule regular video calls to keep the connection strong.
  • Send thoughtful gifts: Surprise him with thoughtful gifts that show you’re thinking about him. It doesn’t have to be anything big, but the thought behind it will make him feel special.
  • Plan visits: Having something to look forward to can keep the passion alive. Plan visits in advance, and make the most of your time together when you’re reunited.

6. The Toxic Obsession Trap

The Toxic Obsession Trap

While it’s natural to want someone to be obsessed with you, it’s important to be aware of toxic behaviors that can harm both you and your partner.

Healthy obsession involves mutual respect, trust, and understanding, whereas toxic obsession is possessive, controlling, and can lead to emotional or physical harm.

Some signs of toxic obsession include:

  • Extreme jealousy and possessiveness
  • Isolation from friends and family
  • Manipulation and control
  • Physical or emotional abuse

If you find yourself in a toxic obsession trap, it’s essential to seek help and guidance from a trusted friend, family member, or professional. Recognizing the signs and taking action can prevent further harm and create space for healthier relationships in the future.

“Obsession is the lazy way of loving. I reject it because it takes away the real pleasures of living.” — Anaïs Nin

7. Unleash His Generosity

Unleash His Generosity

Want to be spoiled by your man? Who doesn’t?

There are psychological techniques you can use to unleash his generosity and make him go above and beyond to spoil you, creating a deeply obsessed connection.

  • First, understand that men want to feel needed, appreciated, and respected. Let him know how much you appreciate him and his efforts. When you show him your admiration, he will be motivated to do more for you.
  • Next, be specific about what you want. Tell him what makes you happy and what you need from him. Men like to have a clear understanding of what their role is in the relationship, and when they can meet your expectations, they feel good about themselves.
  • Another way to unleash his generosity is by giving him opportunities to take care of you. Let him cook for you, help you with a project, or pamper you with a massage. When he sees how much joy he brings you, he will want to do it more often.
  • Finally, don’t forget to reciprocate. Show him your generosity and kindness as well. Being in a relationship is a two-way street, and when you both feel appreciated and taken care of, the connection grows stronger.

The Power of Physical Touch

The Power of Physical Touch

Physical touch is a powerful tool in creating a deep and intense connection with a man.

Research shows that physical touch releases oxytocin, a hormone that promotes affection and bonding.

Therefore, if you want to make a man deeply obsessed with you, incorporate more physical touch into your interactions. Start with subtle touches, like a light brush on his arm or a gentle tap on his shoulder. These small gestures can ignite his desire and leave him wanting more.

As your connection grows, you can introduce more intimate touch, like holding hands, cuddling, or kissing. These acts of physical affection will strengthen your bond and make him feel more connected to you on a deeper level.

Remember to pay attention to his body language and respect his boundaries. Not every man is comfortable with physical touch, and it’s essential to understand and respect his preferences.

By using the power of physical touch, you can make a man deeply obsessed with you and create a lasting connection rooted in affection and intimacy.

The Role of Confidence

Confidence is an attractive quality that can make a man deeply obsessed with you. When you are confident, you exude a magnetic energy that draws people towards you, and men are no exception. To put it simply, confidence is sexy.

So, how can you boost your self-assurance and make a man obsessed with you? One way is to focus on your strengths. Whether it’s your sense of humor, intelligence, or physical appearance, play up your best qualities and own them with confidence.

Another way to boost your confidence is to practice self-care. Take care of your body by exercising, eating healthy, and getting enough rest. When you feel good physically, it reflects in your confidence and overall demeanor.

Lastly, always remember that confidence is a journey, not a destination. It takes time and effort to build and maintain, but the rewards are worth it. By being confident in yourself and your worth, you can make a man deeply obsessed with you.

Create a Memorable Connection

Creating a strong connection with a man can be the key to making him deeply obsessed with you. To do this, you need to make a lasting impression that he won’t be able to shake. Here are some tips for creating a memorable connection:

  • Be genuine: Authenticity is critical in creating a real connection. Be yourself, and don’t try to be someone you’re not just to impress him.
  • Listen actively: When he talks, listen to what he has to say. Ask questions, show interest, and be engaged in the conversation.
  • Show interest: Show a genuine interest in his life, hobbies, and passions. This will make him feel seen, heard, and appreciated.
  • Be present: When you’re together, be fully present in the moment. Avoid distractions such as checking your phone or looking around the room.
  • Create memories: Do something memorable together, such as taking a cooking class or going on a weekend getaway. These shared experiences will create a special bond between you.

By following these tips, you can create a connection with a man that he won’t forget. This will make him deeply obsessed with you, and he’ll want to spend more and more time with you.

Use Subtle Psychological Triggers

If you want to make a man deeply obsessed with you, using subtle psychological triggers can be incredibly effective. These triggers work by tapping into a man’s subconscious, making him feel a strong connection to you without even realizing it. Here are a few of the most effective psychological triggers:

  • Social Proof: Show him that other people find you desirable. Humans are heavily influenced by what they see others doing, so if he sees other people expressing interest in you, he’ll be more likely to feel drawn to you as well.
  • Scarcity: Make yourself seem scarce and in-demand. If he feels like he might lose the opportunity to be with you, he’ll be more likely to become obsessed with you.
  • Reciprocity: Give him something he wants, and he’ll be more likely to become obsessed with you in return. This could be anything from a small gift to an act of kindness.

Keep in mind that while these psychological triggers can be incredibly effective, they should be used in moderation. Using them too much or too frequently can come across as manipulative, which can damage your relationship in the long run.

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Q: What are the seven secret ways to get a man deeply obsessed with you?

A: The seven secret ways are: understand the power of mystery, build emotional connection, reignite the spark, maintain long-distance obsession, differentiate between healthy and toxic obsession, unleash his generosity, and utilize the power of physical touch.

Q: How can I create an aura of mystery?

A: You can create an aura of mystery by not revealing everything about yourself at once and leaving him wanting to know more. Additionally, you can use intriguing conversation techniques and maintain a sense of allure.

Q: How can I build a strong emotional connection with a man?

A: Building a strong emotional connection involves active listening, open communication, and showing genuine interest in his thoughts and feelings. You can also strengthen the bond through shared experiences and by being supportive and understanding.

Q: What can I do to reignite the spark in a relationship?

A: To reignite the spark, you can try planning surprise dates or activities, expressing appreciation and admiration, and reviving shared interests and hobbies. Additionally, open and honest communication about desires and fantasies can help bring back the passion.

Q: How do I maintain obsession in a long-distance relationship?

A: In a long-distance relationship, you can maintain obsession by regularly communicating, scheduling virtual date nights, sending thoughtful gifts or letters, and planning future visits. It’s important to keep the emotional connection strong despite the physical distance.

Q: What is the difference between healthy and toxic obsession?

A: Healthy obsession involves a deep emotional connection, respect, and mutual understanding. Toxic obsession, on the other hand, may involve possessiveness, controlling behavior, and a lack of respect for boundaries. It’s important to maintain a healthy balance in any relationship.

Q: How can I unlock a man’s generosity?

A: You can unleash a man’s generosity by expressing gratitude and appreciation for his efforts, showing him that you value and cherish him. Additionally, setting clear expectations and boundaries can help create a dynamic where he feels compelled to spoil and take care of you.

Q: How can physical touch make a man deeply obsessed with me?

A: Physical touch releases feel-good hormones and fosters a sense of intimacy and connection. By incorporating appropriate physical touch, such as holding hands, hugging, or gentle caresses, you can deepen the emotional bond and spark obsession.

Q: How can I boost my confidence to make a man obsessed with me?

A: Boosting your confidence involves recognizing your worth, focusing on self-care, setting and achieving personal goals, and cultivating a positive mindset. When you exude confidence, it naturally attracts others, including the man you want to become obsessed with you.

Q: How can I create a memorable connection with a man?

A: To create a memorable connection, be your authentic self, show genuine interest in him, and engage in meaningful conversations. Additionally, creating fun and unique experiences together can leave a lasting impression that keeps him thinking about you.

Q: How can I use subtle psychological triggers to make a man obsessed with me?

A: Subtle psychological triggers include mirroring his body language, using positive reinforcement and reward systems, creating scarcity or a fear of missing out, and subtly reminding him of your value and desirability. These triggers tap into his subconscious mind and can intensify obsession.

If you liked this Article and want to learn even more secret psychological tricks to make a man obsessed with you, Join my FREE Newsletter where I share new psychology tricks daily Backed by studies that I cannot share here



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